Contact Us

For any questions regarding our website, posting as contributor and pretty much anything, feel free to write us at bobrodgers [@] prepperswill . com

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Thank you and looking forward to get in touch!

2 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hey Bob…
    I am an avid reader of prepper articles and often frequent articles on gardening, homesteading and survival in general. I came across your website yesterday and have read perhaps eight or ten articles (and have copied four of them for my hard copy “Prepper Notebook.” Actually, I think they are that good. So many pseudo-prepper sites are filled with worn out articles their editors have simply regurgitated from others; I think your site is different. I particularly liked your article on “Poor Man’s Recipes…” That article was chock full of something we in the true prepping community can really USE. It was practical, informative, factual… yea, that is the kind of information we need. So, thank you! And, I look forward reading every article you have and (YES) will convert many from digital form to hard copy form for my notebooks. Good work!

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