Organic gardening and organic pest control have become more and more popular in the last years. People are more concerned about their health and about what they put on their plates. If you decide to become an organic gardener you will need pest control methods that are safe. The organic pest control methods listed in this article will come in handy and will not affect the quality of your product.
Massive Volcanic Eruption – The Next Tambora?
In April 2015 we counted 200 years since the explosion of the Tambora volcano, the most powerful massive volcanic eruption in recorded history. It isn’t something you’re going to find easily in our media, but just like many volcanologists out there, you need to wonder: “will we face a similar volcanic eruption in our lifetime?” Unfortunately, the news are not good and it seems that nobody wants to discuss what lies beneath the ground…
Prepping For Civil Unrest And Social Upheaval
All Alone For The End Of The World
Protein, The Foundation Of A Survival Diet
We can survive on rice and beans without any problems, but it will get tiresome after a few days. Having a well-stocked pantry is important for anyone, regardless if you are a prepper or if you live off-the-grid. Having energy foods and a good amount of protein sources will assure a tasty and complete diet. Here are a few hints on some things we can do to boost our protein supplies.
Getting Home Safe When SHTF
10 Versatile Items For Your Survival Bag
In any survival situation, there are some items that are really versatile. These things should be a must for any survival bag. These items have so many different uses that it would be a mistake not to have them. You’ve probably heard about some of them, but you might not know about their many applications.
Useful Strategies To Pay Down Debt
Life is already hard for most preppers and off-gridders as it is without having to deal with debt. If you add it up to the daily struggles it can be something truly difficult to manage. You have to pay it off every month, but with the interest added constantly, it seems like it will never go away. These strategies should help you paid down debt in no time.
Best Foods To Hoard When The Power Is Out
SHTF Health Issues And How To Handle Them
In the world we live today there are as many man-made disasters as natural ones and you need to learn to survive both. If your pantry is full, your health and safety should be the first priority when a disaster strikes. Knowing what to do and having the correct equipment to treat a medical problem should be a must for every prepper since even the smallest infection can bring you down if left untreated.
Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is often used for first aid, as it is essential when it comes to disinfecting wounds and staving off infections. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material, it breaks down into oxygen and water, meaning it is non-toxic for general use. It is an inexpensive product that has much more benefits than one would think.
Vegetable Gardening Crash Course – Easy Start!
Fresh produce tastes much better than produce bought from the store, it is sweeter and juicier. Imagine being able to have fresh vegetables right at your fingertips or about the money you could save on your grocery bill while still eating healthy food. Growing your own garden is ideal and regardless if you are a beginner gardener or an experienced one, these tips will definitely help you!
Items That Should Be In Your 72 Hour Bug-Out Bag
The idea behind a 72 hour bug-out bag is that it will provide you with the supplies you need to find shelter or safety. It is not a bug out bag that can keep you alive in the wilderness for days; it is just a transition bag. This kit is designed to keep you safe and alive while you are moving towards a shelter or to your bug out location. The following items should be considered for every 72 hour bug-out bag.