In an emergency, access to medical care might be delayed—or unavailable altogether. That’s why every well-prepared survival kit needs more than just bandages and antiseptics; it must include a carefully selected range of essential medicines.
first aid
Top 13 First Aid Skills Every Prepper And Survivalist Should Learn – Part II
In the first part of this article, we discussed the first six first-aid skills that everyone should learn to save a life, whether it be their own or that of a stranger. These skills are essential for anyone who aims to be prepared for situations when medical facilities become inoperative due to various reasons.
Top 13 First Aid Skills Every Prepper And Survivalist Should Learn – Part I
As the healthcare system in the United States teeters on the edge of collapse, the landscape of medical assistance grows increasingly uncertain. With a surge in hospital closures and a dwindling number of medical professionals, the accessibility and quality of healthcare have taken a sharp downturn. Appointments are delayed, consultations are rushed, and the overall standard of care is compromised.
Pet First Aid For Your Canine Companion
Our furry friends, whether they’re hunting dogs, camp buddies, trail companions, or just your park-loving pals, face similar risks to us humans. They might walk on scorching hot pavement, accidentally step on glass shards, chase after sharp-clawed critters, or end up tangled in a prickly sticker bush.
How to use hemostatic agents
Achieving hemostasis, also known as rapidly stopping bleeding, is a crucial skill that the survival medic must master. In survival situations, bleeding can stem from a range of sources, including falls on rough terrain or confrontations with hostile groups. If bleeding wounds are not treated effectively, it can result in avoidable fatalities among survivors.
Trauma Scenarios And How To Handle Them
The power outage has persisted for 40 days, transforming what initially seemed like a temporary blackout into a grave situation. Both the fire and police departments are overwhelmed, and the 911 system has been inoperative for weeks.
How To Deal With Traumatic Injuries In The Field
The most lethal poison known to man is testosterone. It is not by chance that men make up 93 percent of the federal prison population. Most guys, as any woman will tell you, are infantile and self-destructive—sometimes for hours on end.
Medical Procedure – IV Basics For The Prepper Medic
The prepper with medical training must deal with a wide range of medical issues. When you don’t have access to modern medical facilities, bleeding, broken bones, burns, and infections can pose serious problems.
Recognizing And Dealing With Shock
Shock can have many different meanings. A movie’s plot twist could be shocking to some. Touching a live wire could result in a shock. You may be in shock as a result of the death of a loved one or as a result of trauma. Shock, in my opinion, is a terrifying term that predicts poor outcomes despite our best medical efforts.
Is your first aid kit outdated? – Here’s what you need to know!
If you assembled a trauma medical kit or individual first aid kit five to seven years ago, your equipment might need to be updated. Whether you started with a simple first aid kit or you made your own by handpicking the items inside, you should go over the contents now because even medical supplies have a shelf life.
How to Relieve Airway Obstructions When You’re Choking
How many times have you swallowed a piece of food that was too big and started panicking that it won’t go down? While you may have been lucky and eventually managed to swallow that piece of food, others weren’t as lucky.
How To Diagnose Appendicitis
Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies, and it is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain. In the United States, 250,000 cases of appendicitis are reported annually, representing 1 million patient-days of admission.
Vital Signs Proper Reading To Save A Life (2020 Guide)
Reading the vital signs of a patient is the first proper step you can make to ensure adequate medical assistance is provided. In today’s article, we will discuss the vital signs, how to read them, and what information they can provide, to help us better treat a patient.