The value of four-wheel drive in a Bug-Out Vehicle (BOV) cannot be overstated. Even the best off-road vehicles require assistance from time to time. Whether you have a 4×4 vehicle or not, various tools and modifications are necessary for off-road travel, especially in bad weather.
How To Avoid GPS Pitfalls
You go on a camping trip in a remote patch of the Maryland woods. You get lost. You walk around. You walk around some more, looking to get out of the brambles.
Crucial Preps For Winter Car Survival
Winter in North America is no joke, and it presents a host of challenges. One of such challenges is driving by car, and in many instances, it turned out to have a lethal outcome for unprepared people.
Putting Together A Get Back Home Kit For When Your Vehicle Breaks Down
Things have a way of going wrong at the most inopportune time, and there’s no way you can be 100 percent prepared for every emergency situation. However, you can drastically increase your chances of survival by planning in advance. Today we will look at what you should do to head out on foot when your vehicle breaks down.
Tips For Building An Off-Road Recovery Kit
If you like to spend a lot of time in the outdoors, it’s important to learn how to take care of yourself. However, you should also learn how to take care of your vehicle and get it unstuck if bad luck comes your way. Let’s look at how to prepare an off-road recovery kit.
Do This When Getting Your Vehicle Stuck Off-Road
Just to show you how good I am at getting stuck, I’ve been stuck in mud puddles, lakes, and streams. I’ve been snick in the middle of plowed fields and the middle of county roads. I’ve been stuck in clay-soil gumbo, sandy-soil uplands, and most other kinds of soil in between.