How To Control Soil Pests and Insects

how to control soil pests and insects

Organic gardeners have long struggled with soil pests and insects, as there is currently no organic chemical solution available to treat them. Wireworms, cutworms, and leatherjackets are particularly troublesome on newly cultivated land, as they can devour the roots of almost any plant.

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10 Pests You Can Get Rid Of Using Garlic

10 pests you can get rid of using garlic

Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants we know of and is believed to have originated in central Asia more than four thousand years ago. Over the centuries, garlic was used as food, medicine, and even as a money substitute. It was even used in various mysticism and enchantment practices throughout the world.

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Homestead Uses For Diatomaceous Earth You Should Know

homestead uses for diatomaceous earth you should know

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is one of the most useful products you can have at your homestead, small farm, or even around the house. That might sound like a pretty bold statement, but if you’ve never heard of DE and its wide range of uses, you’ve been missing out.

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A Few Tips To Protect Gardens From The Japanese Beetle

a few tips to protect gardens from the japanese beetle

Growing along my front porch, a Virginia creeper rises up from the ground 10 feet below. It twists around 6×6-inch porch support, and once reaching the railing, branches are trained left and right to provide the south-facing porch deck some protective shade during the summer.

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Essential Tips To Get Rid Of Rats And Control Rat Populations

Rat infestation

Being prepared means recognizing a potential threat and understanding how to neutralize it. After surviving the crisis, you will wish to protect your food stores from an enemy that only hunts at night. A large rat population can decimate your entire pantry in just a few days.

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Pest Control Strategies and Proven Tips

Pest Control Strategies and Proven Tips

Modern man has trouble realizing how serious a problem pests can be. Even the word “pest” (a word whose root comes from the same Latin word that “plague” and “pestilence” come from) has been degraded to mean little more than an annoyance. Insecticides, antibiotics, traps. etc., have all brought the problem of pests into check so that we can go about life without much worry about malaria or food spoilage.

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