This Is Why FEMA Won’t Help You During A Disaster

this is why fema won't help you during a disaster

Whether you’re an average homeowner or a prepper, if a federal disaster is declared in your state, you may be eligible to seek housing or rental assistance from the federal government. However, eligibility does not guarantee that aid will be provided.

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Locations To Scavenge For Supplies After SHTF – Part I

locations to scavenge for supplies after shtf – part i

The reality of emergency preparedness hits hard when you realize that perhaps you won’t have the means to fully prepare for a disaster. In fact, prepping requires quite a lot of money in the long-run and we have to figure out ways to cut corners here and there. Even if you do have the means to buy all the stuff you assume will be needed after SHTF, did you made a backup plan for when your supplies run out?

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Illnesses Risks After SHTF Events

illnesses risks after shtf events

In the realm of health, it’s easy to take for granted the protection modern medicine affords us against sickness. However, for individuals like myself and many others who embrace preparedness, the specter of illness amplifying in the wake of a widespread natural calamity or a SHTF scenario looms large. With a young child and family members grappling with diverse health challenges, this concern hits close to home.

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Where Do You Go When The Brown Stuff Hits The Fan?

where do you go when the brown stuff hits the fan

In an ever-changing world, unforeseen challenges can test our resilience and preparedness. From natural disasters to civil unrest and unexpected societal upheavals, having a well-thought-out contingency plan is not just prudent but potentially lifesaving.

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Movement And Tactics For Your Survival Group – Part I

movement and tactics for your survival group – part i

I’m not particularly fond of delving into tactical discussions, mainly because many professionals often label themselves as experts. In my perspective, claiming expertise requires experiencing every conceivable situation, a feat accomplished by very few individuals.

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How To Help The Young And The Old Relax During A Disaster

how to help the young and the old relax during a disaster

One key aspect that is often overlooked when it comes to disaster planning is the need for boredom relief. While most of us think about the essential supplies such as food, water, and medical provisions, it’s easy to forget that a crisis situation can bring with it a significant amount of downtime.

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Dealing With Pregnancy and Childbirth When SHTF

dealing with pregnancy and childbirth when shtf

Under normal circumstances, news of an expectant mother glowing with the radiance of pregnancy is a joyous occasion, typically marked with celebration, tears of happiness, and mailed birth announcements. However, when the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan, dealing with pregnancy and childbirth is a pressing and stressful situation.

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How To Organize Your Survival Community

how to organize your survival community

In the prepping community, there’s a lot of debate regarding the outcome of a disaster scenario, and history has taught us how to prepare for such events and learn from the mistakes of others. However, the aftermath of a disaster can vary depending on the event that led to a post-apocalyptic world.

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How To Make Your Workplace Safer

how to make your workplace safer

We think a lot about various types of survival scenarios, and we make all sorts of assumptions regarding how such scenarios will unfold. We try to prepare as best as we can, but we fail to realize that a crisis can take us by surprise, and we might not find ourselves in a place of our liking. When it comes to workplace prepping, this topic is hardly being discussed by folks out there.

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Shelter In Place or Bug Out?

shelter in place or bug out

Stay or go? This is the first and sometimes most difficult question we may have to ask ourselves in an emergency. Emergency events are not only disruptive to our physical situation, but they are also disruptive to our mental status as they can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone.

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How To Make A SHTF Plan

How To Make A Shtf Plan

Surviving anywhere in the world requires a good amount of survival knowledge and a good set of skills. However, without proper planning, your odds of success are pretty slim. Making a SHTF plan is mandatory no matter where you find yourself and no matter how much time you have at your disposal.

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