A friend once told me that no other country on this planet experiences so many natural disasters as the United States and while I never bothered to check the incidence of natural disasters in other countries, I do have to admit he was kind of right.
bug out vehicle
How About Getting A Bug Out Bike?
The French Foreign Legion lived by a multitude of mottos and expressions, but one particular phrase stood out: “Move forward, one step at a time…”. Essentially, this meant that regardless of the distance, one could reach their destination by simply walking. This principle will endure long after the world depletes its reserves of crude oil, although there exists a more efficient alternative: the power of pedaling.
Learn How To Customize Your Bug-Out Vehicle
The value of four-wheel drive in a Bug-Out Vehicle (BOV) cannot be overstated. Even the best off-road vehicles require assistance from time to time. Whether you have a 4×4 vehicle or not, various tools and modifications are necessary for off-road travel, especially in bad weather.
Bugging Out With Camels
This article is not meant to be a joke. On the opposite, it finds its roots in one of the most underrated chapters of America’s history.
Small Vehicle Options For Hunting, Patrolling Your Property Or Bugging Out
Since the first time man attached the wheel onto an axle, I would wager he was already thinking about how this invention could help him travel faster and farther while carrying a bigger payload. Fast forward some 5,000 years, and not much about that thought process has really changed.
Do This When Getting Your Vehicle Stuck Off-Road
Just to show you how good I am at getting stuck, I’ve been stuck in mud puddles, lakes, and streams. I’ve been snick in the middle of plowed fields and the middle of county roads. I’ve been stuck in clay-soil gumbo, sandy-soil uplands, and most other kinds of soil in between.
How to Safely Ride Your Bike in Winter
Being able to retain mobility when disaster hits is even more important than hoarding supplies. You can use your car or truck to move around when things are in good shape. However, when the infrastructure is damaged, moving to a safe location could get tricky. While you can use your feet to go from point A to point B, nothing beats a bug out bicycle on the long run.
Including An Inflatable Boat In Your Bug Out Plan
If your escape route crosses a river, a canal, bay, or lake, then a sturdy inflatable boat is your passport to safety. Including an inflatable boat and making it a useful means of transportation or an invaluable tool for food procurement is not complicated, and you just need to mark a few basics before you touch the water.
Roadside Emergencies – Keeping Your Getaway Vehicle Running
In a previous article, I wrote about acquiring a proper getaway vehicle and how to do it without losing money. Today, we are going to discuss roadside emergencies and how to keep that vehicle running.
Getting A Proper Getaway Vehicle For Your Bug-out Plan
Let’s face it, not everyone has a retreat. Some of us, because of our jobs, lack of money, or peculiar professions, cannot move now to our favorite retreat. This retreat may be a piece of land we have purchased in anticipation of moving, or it may be an area that, in a general emergency, would be unoccupied. But how will we get there?
3 Reasons Why Motorcycles are the Perfect Bug-Out Vehicle
10 Things to Put in Your Vehicle Survival Kit
Today, many vehicle companies produce reliable cars and people say that car breakdowns are less common nowadays. Your vehicle will provide you with transportation to safety, and it may even become your shelter during a disaster. Prepping your car could save lives, and it’s critical to always have a well-prepared and well-maintained vehicle. However, problems can still take place when on the road and this is where a vehicle survival kit comes in.
Bugging Out By Car When It Hits The Fan
If disaster hits, you must be ready to leave quickly without attracting unwanted attention. Bugging out by car is the number one and only choice for most preppers. Even more, bugging out by car provides a certain safety from criminal elements. If you plan to do the same when disaster strikes, here is what you should know.