How To Live Without Electricity – Part I

How to Live without Electrcity - Part ISooner or later, the power will go off, and chances are it will never come back on. For most of us, the loss of power means the complete loss of normalcy. Sooner or later we will have to adapt to a new world. Five primary areas are disrupted if the power goes off and you need to know what to do to live without electricity.

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Long-Term Food Storage Methods

Long-Term Food Storage MethodsFood storage allows us to survive for extended periods of time and give us a comforting feeling that enables us to concentrate on developing other skills. Nothing brings a man down like the fear of hunger. It’s something we all think about, regardless of how full our pantry is.

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Sugardine – A Cheap Homemade Antiseptic In 3 Easy Steps

Sugardine – A cheap homemade antisepticSugardine is a homemade antiseptic that uses the antibacterial proprieties of sugar and iodine to prevent and kill infections. Sugardine was developed in the old days as a primary method to treat abscesses and thrush on the hooves of horses. However, only a few people know that this homemade antiseptic is also useful for humans. It is cheap and easy to make, and it is a perfect solution for preppers and survivalists.

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The Ups And Downs Of An Off-Grid Life

The Ups And Downs Of An Off-Grid LifeAn off-grid life is a goal for many of us and being self-sufficient is what prepping is all about. However, the adjustments to an off-grid life may be difficult for some people. If they don’t get used to the routine they will bounce back on the grid. In this article, you will read about the confessions of a family that has been living off the grid since 2001. It provides a big picture of what you should expect if you want an off-grid life.

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Housing For Off-grid Survival

Housing For Off-grid Survival   In the land of the free, living comfortably without being dependent upon utility companies and government services is an ideal scenario. Buying a beautiful piece of property far from any utility services is still affordable because most people don’t see the potential in it. Once you’ve got the right land, housing for off-grid will be your next step.

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Moringa Oleifera – The Ultimate Survival Tree for Every Garden

Moringa Oleifera – The Ultimate Survival Tree for Every Garden  Moringa Oleifera is a fantastic plant that is gaining a lot of popularity due to its multiple uses. Using plants that have multiple benefits is something we all do, regardless if we are off-gridders, preppers or survivalists enthusiasts. It’s called the tree of life and for a good reason!

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Fuel Type Options For Emergency Preparedness

Fuel Type Options For Emergency Preparedness  There are different types of fuel you can choose from, but making the right choice is sometimes harder than it looks. Storing the right type of fuel will make a huge difference during an emergency. It will provide you with the comfort you are used with. This article covers the characteristics of different types of fuel you could use during an emergency.

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Edible Insects That Can Save Your Life

Edible Insects That Can Save Your Life Edible insects, how about that? In any survival scenario, you will need food and water in order to survive. When food is scarce you have to struggle and avoid starving, case in which you will do anything to get rid of hunger. The environment will provide you with a good source of food that might not sound so appealing at first, edible insects.

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Off The Grid Limitations That No One Tells You About

Off The Grid Limitations That No One Tells You About   Off the grid living is something we all dream about, but only a few of us dare to actually do it. We love our convenient lifestyles and we cherish our electrical appliances that make life easier. Living off the grid means living off the public utilities and becoming self-sufficient. The tricky part is that nobody will tell you what it all implies in the end.

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Harvesting Firewood – How To Do It Properly

Harvesting Firewood – How To Do It Properly  Harvesting firewood is a skill that provides many rewards: it saves you money, it keeps you in good shape and it provides the security of having your own fuel supply. It also gives you that satisfaction of doing something productive for your family. Here are some great tips regarding the art of cutting your own firewood with minimal effort and maximum safety.

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DIY Micro Hydro Plant – An Inspiring Project!

DIY Micro Hydro plantLiving off-the grid and becoming self-sufficient in these challenging times is a dream for most of us. For a man named Manfred Mornhinweg the dream came true and for him and his family it is a day to day reality. As you will see below, he managed to build a micro hydro plant to generate electricity and power his dream.

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Choosing Land For An Off-grid Or Bug Out Location

Choosing Land For An Off-grid Or Bug Out LocationKnowing the value of available resources is essential. If you have the option to choose where to build your off-grid home or bug out location you should consider designing your environment to be as rich in resources and as safe as possible.

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This Amazing Drinkable Book Cleans Water

This Amazing Drinkable Book Cleans WaterIn developing countries people have to struggle every day due to lack of clean drinking water. According to the World Health Organization, every year, around 3.4 million people die from water-related illnesses. It seems that things are about to change with this revolutionary invention, the drinkable book, developed by the Water Is Life organization.

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