Harvesting firewood is a skill that provides many rewards: it saves you money, it keeps you in good shape and it provides the security of having your own fuel supply. It also gives you that satisfaction of doing something productive for your family. Here are some great tips regarding the art of cutting your own firewood with minimal effort and maximum safety.
Useful Strategies To Pay Down Debt
Life is already hard for most preppers and off-gridders as it is without having to deal with debt. If you add it up to the daily struggles it can be something truly difficult to manage. You have to pay it off every month, but with the interest added constantly, it seems like it will never go away. These strategies should help you paid down debt in no time.
Best Foods To Hoard When The Power Is Out
Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is often used for first aid, as it is essential when it comes to disinfecting wounds and staving off infections. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material, it breaks down into oxygen and water, meaning it is non-toxic for general use. It is an inexpensive product that has much more benefits than one would think.
Vegetable Gardening Crash Course – Easy Start!
Fresh produce tastes much better than produce bought from the store, it is sweeter and juicier. Imagine being able to have fresh vegetables right at your fingertips or about the money you could save on your grocery bill while still eating healthy food. Growing your own garden is ideal and regardless if you are a beginner gardener or an experienced one, these tips will definitely help you!
Items That Should Be In Your 72 Hour Bug-Out Bag
The idea behind a 72 hour bug-out bag is that it will provide you with the supplies you need to find shelter or safety. It is not a bug out bag that can keep you alive in the wilderness for days; it is just a transition bag. This kit is designed to keep you safe and alive while you are moving towards a shelter or to your bug out location. The following items should be considered for every 72 hour bug-out bag.
This Is The Next Big Thing For Wind Power Generators And You Should Keep Your Eyes On It!
Being able to harvest the power of the elements to produce our own electricity is something we all long for. We are used to see solar panels and giant wind turbines spinning in the breeze as we drive down the highway. But when it comes to wind turbines, the game is about to change. Some guys from Spain have decided to take the lead and make wind harvesting a lot less difficult. They are developing a new generation of wind turbines that we should all keep an eye on it.
SHTF Library – Build Your Own
Knowledge is power and having a SHTF library will help you out when everything around you crumbles. We stockpile food and water and we hoard the things we might need during a disaster We are also equipping our armory to fend off a small army. What are you doing about accumulating knowledge?
RIP Greece – How a Global Economic Collapse has started and what you should be doing!
Although I’m not a financial expert, I like to think of myself as an informed person. One who knows a thing or two about how the economy works and how it affects us all. While we were celebrating the 4th of July, at the other end of the world, the Greeks were digging their grave. According to partial official results, over 61% of Greek voters voted “No”, rejecting the creditors’ reform proposals. This has already caused a chain reaction on the stock markets and it’s just the beginning.
Survival Skills Your Great Grandparents Had That You Don’t
Our great grandparents were true survivors and they were able to thrive in challenging times. The following are the survival skills your great grandparents had. If we think of our childhood and of everything they had to do, to be self-sufficient, we will realize they had skills that, today, we lack for certain.
You Want To Live Off-grid? – Consider This First
Living off-grid has become one of the most popular options for the preppers out there. Every day, you hear stories about this alternative way of living. Although many people believe that when you live off-grid means to live in a cabin, in the woods without essential comfort, the reality is entirely different.
10 Reasons Why Earthships Are A Perfect BOL
Essential Tips To Stretch Your Food Budget
In these harsh economic times, stretching your food budget is a must. Every penny counts and preppers know it all too well. We can live with older clothes, we can drive an older car, but we must have food. Water and food are a must for whatever scenario the future throws at us. Without a good stockpiled pantry, our chances of survival are slim.