Water scarcity is no longer a distant threat—it’s a pressing reality that could reshape life in major cities and test the limits of human resilience. For survivalists and preppers, understanding the impacts of water scarcity is critical, as it directly threatens the most essential resource for life: clean water.
A Few “Survival” Beverages That Are a Must For Your Pantry
There is a wealth of information available on food storage, offering various recommendations for the types of foods to stock up on in preparation for unforeseen circumstances. However, the discussion around “survival beverages” is notably lacking.
How To Grow And Maintain A Drought-Resistant Garden
If you look at a map of North America, you’ll notice that there are many areas with low average rainfall, mostly in the western and southern states (as well as in many other parts of the world).
The Ever-Increasing Need For Water And Water Storage
Water is so vital to life that most people will die in three days or less if they do not have it. The human body contains between 50 and 75 percent water, depending on age and gender. Despite this, many of us take water for granted.
How To Dig A Well To Secure Your Water Supply
We here in the United States have no idea how fortunate we are. Most people do not consider how easy it is to go to the kitchen faucet and obtain a glass of pure water, and this is something that we take for granted.
Obtaining Water From Plants In The Wilderness
Because water is the most important requirement for sustaining life and normal bodily function, it is important that we identify the varying resources from which it can be obtained.
A Few Wild Beverages Everyone Should Try
Wild teas and, more generally, wild beverages serve a number of purposes. First, if you are boiling water to make it safe to drink from pathogenic organisms, waiting for your water to cool down – particularly in summer – to have a cool drink can take too long for you to stay well hydrated.
Using A Cistern To Have Water Available For The Long Term
Water is your number one priority before and after the brown stuff hits the fan. In whatever situation you might find yourself, and even if you have access to a source of water, you will need to figure out how to store that water for the long term. Here’s why cisterns are the ideal solution to secure a large water supply.
5 Major Benefits of Using a Water Filtration System in your Home
Water is an essential resource to run every household successfully. And although up-to-date water supply systems promise to guarantee that the water you drink, clean with, and cook is safe, adding a filtration system to your household is the perfect way to ensure that you fully protect your family.
Survival Hydration – Surviving With A Minimum Amount Of Water
Water is ever-present on our planet in both liquid and solid forms, and without it, life would not be possible. Since humans are composed mostly of water, this is one resource we just can’t do without, and we need it daily to live comfortably.
Ten Tips For Water Efficiency In The Garden
Plants need water; that is a fact. However, to make the most of this, often limited, resource, it pays to use it economically by understanding plants’ needs and using techniques to help limit water loss from both plants and soil.
Decontamination and Sterilization of Water
We usually take water for granted. While water is almost never scarce in most areas, uncontaminated water might become very scarce following a wide-spread disaster like a nuclear war or economic collapse during which all pollution control endeavors were abandoned.
The Lost Art Of Digging or Drilling A Water Well
Having a supply of water in your home saves a lot of troubles. With the average person using tens or even hundreds of gallons of water a day, the prospect of having to carry water from a nearby spring, river, or lake is almost impossible to imagine without making a major change in lifestyle. Digging or drilling a water well is the best option you have, although it has nearly become a lost art.