A wealth of edible wild plants is flourishing all around us, often unnoticed. Despite their attractive attributes, many of these wild edibles have been neglected, overlooked, or deemed unimportant. Some remain practically invisible to most people. The edible invasive plants highlighted here are wild foods that I regularly incorporate into my meals when they’re in season.
wild edibles
The Wild Cherry – A Tasty Summer Fruit You Can Forage Nationwide
Wild cherry (Prunus virginiana) trees are widespread across North America and are quite prevalent in some dry areas. Many are surprised to discover that these trees thrive in the western regions, which are often thought of as too dry for cherries.
Foraging Habits Of The Pioneers
The concept of “self-sufficiency” evokes a sense of fundamental independence. We often romanticize an era when modest cabins served as the primary abode for individuals resisting what they perceived as government intrusion or those simply seeking solitude despite enduring considerable challenges.
Making Dandelions Edible and Why They Are Mostly Bitter
We’ve all come across tales praising the virtues of dandelions. Enthusiastic advocates of foraging often claim, “Just locate young dandelion leaves in early spring, prior to the emergence of flower stalks. If you do this correctly, bitterness won’t be an issue. Instead, you’ll savor the most delectable and nutritious fresh greens you’ve ever tasted.”
American Wild Ginseng – Harvesting from the wild or growing your own?
American wild ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), renowned for its exceptional quality and medicinal properties, holds an esteemed status in the world of herbal remedies. This precious herb is highly coveted, with enthusiasts and collectors worldwide showing an unwavering willingness to invest substantial sums of money in pursuit of its elusive roots.
Cattail – A Handy Survival Plant
The cattail, an unassuming wetland plant, holds a place in our collective consciousness that extends far beyond the boundaries of botanical knowledge or expertise in foraging wild edibles. Its unpretentious presence resonates with people from all walks of life, endearing itself as an icon of seasonal transition and nature’s intrinsic beauty.
Making Wild Jelly For The Family
A variety of gorgeous blooms and berries not only catch the eye but also offer a delightful taste. Personally, I take great pleasure in gathering elderberries, the delicate blooms of common blue violets, the vibrant blossoms of redbud trees, and the autumn olive berries.
Edible Desert Plants You Can Safely Use When There’s No Food
The United States of America is home to some of the most diverse and fascinating landscapes on the planet, and the deserts are no exception. These arid regions cover vast swathes of land across the country, with some major areas being particularly renowned for their unique flora.
Tips For Harvesting And Using Chokecherries
As chokecherries are found in nearly every state and climate, it’s no wonder that Native Americans (who really lived self-reliance to the max) of most tribes used them extensively. And, like ancient Indians, we also rely on these fruits of the wild orchard.
Harvesting And Using Wild Asparagus
Picking wild asparagus is often the first step a person takes toward learning to forage wild food. Although not technically a “wild” plant, more of an escapee from gardens via seeds and birds, asparagus grows very wild in most places across the U.S. and Canada.
Wild Edibles Foraging For Quick Meals
You can’t walk through a field, forest, swamp, or even your own backyard without passing by (or stepping) on wild edible plants. There are various types of wild edibles all around us, and the trick for a meal on the go is to know what to look for.
How To Get Natural Aspirin From The Woods
Imagine you are out alone in the wilderness, spending some pleasant time and enjoying nature. You have your gear, consisting of a tent or a tarp, survival kit, fire kit, first aid kit, cutting tools, navigation devices, sleeping gear. You have plenty of food too.
How To Make Coffee Substitutes
Life around a campfire is surely one of the most cheerful and happy traits of spending time in the Great Outdoors. So vivid, so peaceful, and yet, it fills you with so much energy.