The Benefits And Challenges Of Living In A Tiny House

The Benefits And Challenges Of Living In A Tiny HouseMore and more people are choosing to leave everything behind and start a new life off-the grid. There is currently a tiny house movement and many families will downsize and learn how to live simply in small homes.

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How To Find And Use Soap Plants For 2019

How To Find And Use Soap PlantsAs functional members of our modern society, we are somehow accustomed to taking things for granted. We become dependent on stores and the items we buy. Soap is one of the many items that we take for granted. If stores stopped selling this article tomorrow, we would have no clue how to make do without it. Luckily for us, there are soap plants that we can use as a substitute when soap runs out.

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10 Preparedness Skills You Should Master For Self-sufficiency

10 Preparedness Skills You Should Master For Self-sufficiencyToday, in our modern society we are all some sort of specialists. While we are good at our jobs, we don’t invest energy in learning new things such as preparedness skills. There is a false feeling of knowledge that is spreading due to the information available in the online world. We think we know a lot about how the world is functioning, but in reality, we don’t know anything. Just because we can Google about how something works or how is made, that doesn’t mean we know how to act upon that information.

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Pioneer Gardening – How To Start A Backyard Garden

Pioneer Gardening - How To Start A Backyard GardenHaving a vegetable garden of some sort is becoming a constant reality for more and more people. Gardening has been a way of life from the earliest days of the pioneers. It seems that in these uncertain times, a lot of people are starting a backyard garden just to deal with the increasing cost of food.

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Top 10 Medicinal Herbs For Your Garden

Top 10 Medicinal Herbs For Your GardenHerbal medicine has been around for centuries. Although people are encouraged to buy modern medicine, this ancient healing knowledge is still widely practiced. Medicinal herbs will still be here, long after the collapse of modern society. We should all learn how to take advantage of these healing herbs.

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Places To Store Your Emergency Food – Updated for 2019

Places To Store Your Emergency Food

Emergency food storage is an essential component of the prepping journey. Whether you buy survival food from online stores or just buy some extra food at the supermarket each week, all those supplies will overwhelm your kitchen storage. If you also store water, you will quickly run out of storage space and you will need to improvise if you want to store everything.

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Types Of Preppers – Which One Are You?

Types Of Preppers - Which One Are You?‘Preppers’ a word, which can be heard more and more in the media and basically, all around us. A word that is no longer part of the extraordinary and that is often used to define an increasing category of people. A generation of people that will do anything possible to survive and thrive in various societies and devastating situations.  

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Protect Your Garden From Critters

Protect Your Garden From Critters   You make everything possible to ensure that your plants grow big and strong so you can become less dependent on grocery stores and make sure that your pantry is well-stocked. If animals ruin your hard work it can be devastating for your morale. That’s why you need to learn how to protect your garden from critters.

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Honey Badger Wheel: Amazing All-terrain Solution For Off-gridders And Preppers

Prepper's Will - Honey Badger WheelSince I’m an avid promoter of off-grid living and an outdoor enthusiast, I try to discover and share new things that would make life easier for those who love these types of lifestyle. Something caught my attention this week and I decided to share my findings with my readers. This new invention is called the honey badger wheel and it is basically a pack mule solution for hunters, preppers, off-griders and anyone who loves the outdoors.

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Understanding Garden Seeds For Self-sufficiency

Understanding Garden Seeds For Self-sufficiencyThe garden season is here and many of us will start a garden to have additional supplies for our pantry. If a prepper wants to start a survival garden, knowing about all the different types of garden seeds is a must.

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The 4 Levels Of Preparedness You Should Know

The 4 Levels Of Preparedness You Should Know    For our grandparents, general preparedness was a regular activity and it was part of their daily lives. They used to do things by themselves in order to survive and thrive. They weren’t reluctant to ask help from neighbors when things got tough. Nowadays, preparedness is seen as something extreme by mainstream society. Most of the people out there have no idea of what it means to be prepared.

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What I’ve Learned As A Prepper In The Past 5 Years

Prepper's Will - What I've learned as a prepper_I would like to start by saying that I do not consider myself and expert prepper. I firmly believe the road ahead has still many unknowns. The experiences shared within the lines of this article are my own. They can provide a clear glimpse of what it means to be a prepper. Some of these experiences may seem familiar to you because at some point, we’ve all been there.

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Survival Gear – Small Tools For Big Tasks!

Survival Gear - Small Tools For Big Tasks!

Your bug out bag is the tool that keeps you alive during a crisis scenario and the survival gear you chose should have multiple uses, without adding extra weight. Bigger isn’t always better and all the tools you have shouldn’t break your back on the long haul.

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