Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction – Are They Still A Threat?

biological weapons of mass destruction are they still a threat

For years, the persistent narrative has warned us about the lingering presence of weapons of mass destruction since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The specter of bio-weapons, such as anthrax and smallpox, has haunted the corridors of governmental concern despite the absence of any recent mass-casualty attacks associated with biological weapons in the United States.

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Are You Mentally Fit To Survive Brain Fog?

are you mentally fit to survive brain fog

Every passing day brings with it the potential for adversity, manifesting in various forms that impact our lives. Financial setbacks, emotional upheavals, or physical challenges—all are facets of the disasters that constantly loom over us.

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Studying Your Environment Pays Big When SHTF

studying your environment pays big when shtf

Surviving any situation requires not only physical strength but also a resilient mental approach. While physical well-being is undeniably crucial, true survivors are those who maintain mental fortitude in the face of pressure.

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What You Should Know When Using Vehicles For Cover

what you should know when using vehicles for cover

For over a century, automobiles have played a significant role in gunfights, marking a tumultuous era where the symphony of the Roaring ’20s intertwined with the staccato rhythm of Tommy Guns and the ominous hum of black sedans.

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Five Reasons Why Most Preppers Won’t Survive A SHTF Event

five reasons why most preppers won’t survive a shtf event

In the world of prepping, where individuals strive to be self-sufficient in the face of unforeseen disasters, there exists a common misconception that thorough preparation guarantees survival. However, the reality is far more complex, as evidenced by the startling fact that many preppers may find themselves ill-equipped to weather a SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan) event successfully.

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Movement And Tactics For Your Survival Group – Part I

movement and tactics for your survival group – part i

I’m not particularly fond of delving into tactical discussions, mainly because many professionals often label themselves as experts. In my perspective, claiming expertise requires experiencing every conceivable situation, a feat accomplished by very few individuals.

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Staying Warm In The Wilderness Using 10 Simple Methods

staying warm in the wilderness using 10 simple methods

Staying warm is something you should always prioritize when spending time outdoors. This holds true regardless of your location, unless you’re lucky enough to reside very close to the equator.

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How To Survive Domestic Violence

how to survive domestic violence

Domestic violence is a deeply disturbing issue, and when an abuser targets a loved one, it becomes even more abhorrent. Regrettably, domestic violence is more prevalent than many might imagine, with significant consequences. In fact, the statistics reveal the gravity of the situation.

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How To Overcome Survivor Guilt

how to overcome survivor guilt

You find yourself on a peaceful train journey, traveling from the bustling city of Minneapolis to the charming town of Grand Rapids. In a sociable mood, you strike up a conversation with the woman seated across from you. The train ride is a bit shaky, but it’s nothing you haven’t experienced before.

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How To Find Food In Any Environment

how to find food in any environment

You’re the kind of person who’s always organized and ready for whatever life throws your way. You’ve planned meticulously for all sorts of scenarios, but none could have prepared you for the sudden fire. Your trusty bug-out bag (BOB) in the car’s trunk went up in flames alongside everything else when your overheated vehicle turned into an inferno.

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Using Kelp and Seaweeds As Survival Food

using kelp and seaweeds as survival food

Imagine you’re at the beach, strolling on the sandy shore, breathing in the briny breeze as the wind rustles the waves. As the gentle waves wash over your feet, you spot some familiar leafy structures scattered on the rocks and buried in the sand.

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Properly Assessing Your Survival Zone

properly assessing your survival zone

When you suddenly find yourself thrust into a life-or-death survival situation, the experience can be overwhelming, sending shock waves through your mind and body. Panic can grip you in an instant, and it feels like your very existence is hanging in the balance.

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Everyday Survival In High-Rise Buildings

everyday survival in high rise buildings

The memories of individuals jumping from the Twin Towers on September 11th will always trouble us. Are we genuinely secure in these contemporary steel and concrete structures, or are we essentially residing in steel and concrete tombs?

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