Walking down the street or unexpectedly encountering someone in a market or parking lot can quickly take a dangerous turn when you come face to face with someone carrying a weapon. When that weapon happens to be a sharp-edged one, the threat escalates significantly, and you could find yourself in a life-or-death situation in an instant.
Surviving a Structural Collapse: Tips and Guidelines
Imagine it’s a windy day, but you’ve been indoors playing Fallout 4 for the past couple of days, completely unaware of the weather outside. Suddenly, a deafening noise shatters the windows, and you hear the structure around you collapsing. The roof caves in, and you find yourself trapped beneath a massive pile of steel, wood, and concrete. What should you do in this dire situation?
Indicators to Recognize Early Warning Signals of Potential Hazards
Getting ready without appearing ready can be quite challenging. It means intentionally fitting in with your surroundings. This allows you to go about your usual day without standing out or attracting notice. Some folks refer to this as the “gray man principle,” while others call it just acting normal.
Tips To Make Your Vehicle Ready For Bugging Out
A friend once told me that no other country on this planet experiences so many natural disasters as the United States and while I never bothered to check the incidence of natural disasters in other countries, I do have to admit he was kind of right.
Roadkill Cuisine – Eating Roadkill When Nothing Else Is Available
There are plenty of good reasons to pick up roadkill from the streets whenever possible. From a moral standpoint, it’s just not right to let an animal die for no reason and leave it to decay on the road when there are people in our country going hungry every night.
How to survive a hostage situation
In our modern era, we find ourselves living amidst a persistent and escalating wave of criminal activity. While instances of hostage-taking and kidnapping haven’t seen a dramatic upsurge as other crimes in our country, such situations do occur, and unfortunately, the general public has no idea how to act or respond when faced with such scenarios.
Dog Food As Survival Food?
For the majority of individuals, the mere notion of willingly consuming dog food elicits a strong sense of revulsion. Despite our pets’ endearing qualities such as cuteness, charm, playfulness, and their status as cherished members of our families (sometimes even surpassing certain humans), dogs can possess rather repulsive habits.
A Few Ways To Use A Condom In A Survival Scenario
Your ability to improvise is crucial as a survival skill. The outcome of sudden survival scenarios is often determined by your resourcefulness in utilizing available items to fulfill your needs. Like any other survival skill, practice is key to achieving perfection.
How To Respond To An Active Killer Scenario – What’s wrong with Run, Hide, Fight?
Let’s take a moment to examine the title of this article before proceeding any further. The conventional approach to active killer incidents is the oft-repeated slogan, “Run, Hide, Fight.” However, I deliberately chose a different title because I refuse to accept yet another ineffective strategy that has not prevented a single such incident.
Hunting And Eating Reptiles For Survival
Perhaps you find yourself drawn to the idea of embracing your survivalist instincts, envisioning a life immersed in nature and self-sufficiency when society inevitably crumbles. Alternatively, you might simply be an ardent outdoors enthusiast who thrives in the wilderness long before any doomsday scenario unfolds.
Trauma Scenarios And How To Handle Them
The power outage has persisted for 40 days, transforming what initially seemed like a temporary blackout into a grave situation. Both the fire and police departments are overwhelmed, and the 911 system has been inoperative for weeks.
Edible Desert Plants You Can Safely Use When There’s No Food
The United States of America is home to some of the most diverse and fascinating landscapes on the planet, and the deserts are no exception. These arid regions cover vast swathes of land across the country, with some major areas being particularly renowned for their unique flora.
A Few Ways To Determine Your Direction Without A Compass
Around AD 1100, the Chinese came up with a revolutionary tool to help people navigate the unknown terrain: the practical compass. Prior to that, humanity relied on various other methods to determine the four cardinal directions, without the aid of a compass.