How To Grow Pomegranates On Your Property

To truly savor the essence of the berry, often referred to as “the fruit of paradise,” one must indulge in its delightful taste. This extraordinary fruit, the pomegranate, boasts an impressive flavor profile enriched with a symphony of up to 83 aromatic notes.

Picture the syrupy sweetness reminiscent of Concord grapes, the invigorating astringency akin to cranberries, and the refreshing coolness reminiscent of lemons – all seamlessly blended into a burst of flavors that pop with each bite, akin to the delightful texture of tapioca.

In addition to its sensory delights, recent studies underscore the health benefits attributed to pomegranates, aligning with historical claims. These studies reveal that indulging in this exotic fruit not only pleases the taste buds but also contributes positively to one’s well-being. The pomegranate proves to be a healthful choice, making it a delightful addition to any diet.

For avid gardeners, the advantages of cultivating pomegranates extend beyond taste and health. This fruit is a gardener’s dream, bearing fruit early in its growth and exhibiting resilience against various diseases and pests. The process of harvesting becomes an enjoyable and rewarding experience, as the vibrant, ruby-red jewels of the pomegranate adorn the branches.

Furthermore, for orchardists seeking a distinctive market niche, the pomegranate provides an abundance of choices. With over 1,000 diverse cultivars available, a plethora of unique varieties await exploration. Astonishingly, many of these cultivars are not readily accessible to grocery store customers, presenting a rare opportunity for orchardists to offer exclusive and captivating pomegranate varieties to discerning consumers.

Growing Pomegranates

growing pomegranates

Including pomegranates in the roster of must-have fruits for organic gardeners is a no-brainer, given their remarkable ease of cultivation. These resilient fruits, often hailed as the darlings of home gardens, possess a natural defense mechanism – a tough rind that deters animals and insects from tampering with the fruit. This distinctive feature sets pomegranates apart from fruits like peaches and cherries, sparing small orchards and home gardens from the frequent need for pesticides.

Thriving in a range of conditions, pomegranates exhibit an impressive resilience to environmental extremes. Withstanding temperatures as high as 118 degrees Fahrenheit, and showcasing a few cultivars capable of enduring exposure to minus 6 degrees without succumbing, these deciduous shrubs are a testament to adaptability. While they prefer well-nurtured garden soil, pomegranates defy the odds, flourishing in conditions of excessive salinity, calcium, and alkaline soil. Their ability to thrive in both drought and damp conditions further solidifies their reputation as a gardener’s delight.

For those residing in Zone 7 or lower, cultivating pomegranates becomes an intriguing lesson in microclimates and cultivar selection. A strategic approach involves acquiring the most cold-hardy shrub available and planting it strategically close to a building, basking in the full glory of sunlight. The proximity to a stone or brick wall proves crucial, as it absorbs the sun’s warmth during the day and releases it at night, potentially determining the survival of these resilient shrubs through winter. Alternatively, for a more hands-on approach, growing pomegranates in pots allows for easy relocation indoors during the colder months.

While pomegranates showcase an impressive ability to endure less-than-ideal conditions, their true potential flourishes in an optimal setting with attentive care. In the warmer zones (8b to 10), these shrubs reward gardeners with multiple flowerings and fruit sets throughout the year. Fruit production hinges on various factors, including the cultivar’s characteristics, the ratio of female to male flowers, cross-pollination, irrigation or rainfall, and proper fertilizer application. Pruning, done moderately, enhances fruit productivity and maintains an elegant weeping form, with only dead or awkward wood requiring removal.

The debate among experts regarding the value of starting pomegranate shrubs from seeds remains inconclusive. However, a consensus prevails that seeds are unlikely to yield true-to-type plants. Instead, propagating through cuttings is recommended for successful reproduction. By taking an 8-to-20-inch-long cutting from a vigorous, healthy plant, marking the base end, and applying rooting hormone, gardeners can ensure successful propagation.

Creating an ideal environment for rooting involves placing cuttings in indirect sunlight within a mini-greenhouse or using a misting system. Maintaining a moist environment, possibly on a heating pad, accelerates the rooting process within 1 to 2 months. Once rooted, transplanting into quart-sized pots precedes outdoor planting.

Selecting an optimal planting site becomes pivotal for pomegranate success. In cooler regions, positioning the plant in the warmest possible location is key. Typically, growers opt for the South or southeast side of a building, preferably constructed of stone or brick, to shield against winter winds and establish a favorable microclimate.

The meticulous process of planting involves digging a hole three times larger than the plant, enriching the soil with manure, and providing thorough watering before and after planting. This comprehensive approach ensures that pomegranate cultivation becomes not just a task but a rewarding journey into the diverse and fascinating world of these resilient and delectable fruits.

A Wonderful Cultivar

selfsb b4The introduction of pomegranates to American soil can be traced back to the mid-16th century when seedlings were likely planted at Spanish missions. These fledgling pomegranate plants eventually found their way to California. However, their early days in the Golden State were marked by neglect, as they were largely overshadowed by the emergence of selected hybrids, notably the ‘Wonderful,’ during initial attempts to establish a pomegranate industry in California.

‘Wonderful’ stands as one of the most commercially successful heirlooms in contemporary pomegranate cultivation, exerting a significant influence on the American pomegranate industry. Its dominance is such that it virtually monopolizes the market, with even its minor competitors, such as ‘Early Wonderful’ and ‘Granada,’ being considered as its sports or variations.

Although the precise origins of ‘Wonderful’ remain shrouded in mystery, its first recorded appearance dates back to the nursery of renowned fruit hybridizers J.T. and F.E. Bearss in Porterville, California. The Bearsses embarked on an extensive marketing campaign for this promising seedling in 1894, distributing ‘Wonderful’ to anyone willing to promote it. The cultivar garnered prestigious endorsements from the American Pomological Society, the California Secretary to the State Board of Horticulture, and the Atlanta Exposition, where it clinched a gold medal. The global recognition of ‘Wonderful’ as a brand owes much to the Los Angeles-based company POM Wonderful, which adopted the name in 2002.

The allure of ‘Wonderful’ stems from a unique combination of traits rarely found in a single cultivar. Its appeal lies in its vigorous growth, dependable and heavy production, a well-balanced sweet-tart flavor and aroma, medium-soft seeds enveloped in a relatively thick layer of flesh, a high fruit-to-pith ratio, high-quality juice, a rind resistant to splitting, and an extended shelf life. Comparative studies further highlight its exceptional characteristics, showcasing ‘Wonderful’ as one of the pomegranates with the highest seed weight and antioxidant activity.

However, it’s essential to note that ‘Wonderful’ does come with a caveat, particularly in regions with Zone 8 or lower winter temperatures. Extra care during winter becomes imperative to ensure its successful cultivation. Additionally, trials have suggested that other cultivars may outperform ‘Wonderful’ in humid areas of the South, emphasizing the importance of considering local conditions and climate when selecting pomegranate varieties for cultivation.

The Work Of Levin Gregory And His Many Hybrids

Over a span of four decades, Soviet botanist Gregory Levin spearheaded the establishment of the world’s most extensive collection of pomegranates, comprising an impressive 1,117 distinct types. Levin’s dedication to this botanical pursuit involved navigating perilous deserts and mountains in search of wild pomegranates, coupled with his expertise in hybridizing these plants. Notably, some of his most esteemed creations include the prized hybrids ‘Salavatski’ and ‘Parfianka.’

‘Salavatski’ has gained recognition on the East Coast for its flavor, which rivals that of the renowned ‘Wonderful.’ What sets this cultivar apart is its remarkable tolerance for humidity and cold. Suitable for cultivation as far north as Allentown, Pennsylvania (Zone 6a to 6b), ‘Salavatski’ exhibits the exceptional ability to survive aboveground during most winters without requiring additional protection. Commercial trials in Florida and Georgia have further substantiated its robust performance, earning it high marks in both practical application and taste tests conducted by Levin himself.

Levin’s personal favorite, ‘Parfianka,’ stands out among his creations and received top accolades in a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which aimed to identify cultivars with significant commercial potential. According to study co-author John Preece, many individuals might find ‘Parfianka’ preferable to ‘Wonderful’ due to its softer seeds and enhanced cold-hardiness. This preference underscores the cultivar’s unique attributes, making it a promising choice for those seeking a pomegranate variety with a distinct blend of taste, texture, and adaptability.

Levin’s groundbreaking work not only contributed significantly to the diversity of the global pomegranate landscape but also brought forth cultivars like ‘Salavatski’ and ‘Parfianka,’ each with its own set of exceptional characteristics. As these hybrids continue to make their mark, they exemplify the intersection of botanical expertise, dedication, and the quest for cultivating pomegranates that thrive in diverse climates and appeal to diverse palates.

Japanese Hybrids

japanese hybrids

While all pomegranates possess inherent ornamental qualities, Japanese hybridists have elevated the art of pomegranate cultivation by placing a distinct emphasis on flower form and color. Their endeavors have resulted in an array of remarkable achievements, featuring blooms that mimic the intricate shapes of roses, peonies, and dianthuses, along with variegated variations showcasing hues of white, pink, red, and orange.

This aesthetic pursuit has not only added a visual feast to the world of pomegranates but has also sparked interest in the floral industry. Several cultivars, currently under research in California and Florida, have caught the attention of growers, hinting at a potential role in the blooming business.

At the forefront of this floral revolution is ‘Haku Botan,’ a cultivar celebrated for its white flowers that boast a fully double structure reminiscent of an old garden rose. Beyond its ornamental value, ‘Haku Botan’ stands out for its commercial potential, consistently yielding plentiful fruit. Growers in the Northwest have reported successful cultivation of this cultivar, emphasizing its adaptability to diverse climates.

Another standout in the Japanese hybridist’s portfolio is ‘Ki Zakura,’ a showstopper with variegated orange flowers resembling the form of a carnation. Adding practicality to its visual appeal, this cultivar produces small, edible yellow fruit, enhancing its allure for both ornamental and culinary purposes.

‘Toryu Shibori’ emerges as a pomegranate cultivar that closely mirrors a quartered rose, adorned with apricot-colored flowers that transform into a substantial crop of fruit. Interestingly, double-flowered varieties like this one are not only popular in contemporary landscapes but also harken back to historical traditions on the East Coast of North America, potentially linking to colonial practices.

The Japanese hybridists’ meticulous focus on enhancing the ornamental aspects of pomegranates has led to the creation of captivating cultivars with diverse flower forms and striking colors. As these pomegranate varieties undergo exploration in research centers and captivate the attention of growers, they not only enrich the visual landscape but also contribute to potential connections with historical traditions, bridging the past and present in the world of ornamental horticulture.


Dwarf Pomegranate Cultivars

Dwarf pomegranate cultivars, exemplified by the likes of ‘Nana,’ bring a unique charm to flower borders and excel as captivating bonsai specimens. The appeal of these compact varieties extends beyond their ornamental value, as they adapt well to different climates and cultivation practices.

In colder regions, such as those experiencing winter dieback, dwarf cultivars like ‘Nana’ present a convenient solution. Pruning them back to the ground at the end of the season ensures rejuvenation, and they will reliably burst forth with flowers, and, given a sufficiently long season, even set fruit. This resilience makes them an excellent choice for gardeners in areas where winter poses challenges to perennial plants.

For those residing in warmer climates, the versatility of dwarf pomegranates extends to their utility as an outstanding hedge. Their compact size and adaptability make them an ideal choice for creating functional and visually appealing borders.

Beyond ‘Nana,’ several other dwarf pomegranate cultivars contribute to the diverse world of compact varieties. Some examples include:

‘Provence’: Known for its petite size and delightful pink flowers, ‘Provence’ is a dwarf cultivar that thrives in various garden settings.

‘Angel Red’: This compact pomegranate boasts vibrant red blooms and is well-suited for container gardening or as a small hedge.

‘Punica Little Darling’: With its diminutive stature and charming appearance, this dwarf cultivar is an excellent choice for smaller gardens or as a container plant.

‘Chico’: Recognized for its dwarf habit and prolific fruiting, ‘Chico’ is a popular choice for both ornamental and edible gardening.

‘Nanum’: Another dwarf cultivar, ‘Nanum,’ is celebrated for its compact growth and attractive orange-red flowers.

These dwarf pomegranate cultivars not only offer a space-saving solution but also introduce an array of colors and forms to enhance various gardening styles. Whether utilized in flower borders, as bonsai specimens, or as functional hedges, these compact varieties bring versatility and aesthetic appeal to diverse garden settings.

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