Harvesting And Eating Invasive Plants

harvesting and eating invasive plants

A wealth of edible wild plants is flourishing all around us, often unnoticed. Despite their attractive attributes, many of these wild edibles have been neglected, overlooked, or deemed unimportant. Some remain practically invisible to most people. The edible invasive plants highlighted here are wild foods that I regularly incorporate into my meals when they’re in season.

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A Few Perennials You Need To Plant Once For Years Of Food

a few perennials you need to plant once for years of food

Ditch the yearly seed starting and forget tilling the soil! Imagine a garden overflowing with fresh, delicious vegetables that come back year after year, just like your favorite flowers and shrubs.

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Foraging Habits Of The Pioneers

foraging habits of the pioneers

The concept of “self-sufficiency” evokes a sense of fundamental independence. We often romanticize an era when modest cabins served as the primary abode for individuals resisting what they perceived as government intrusion or those simply seeking solitude despite enduring considerable challenges.

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Making Dandelions Edible and Why They Are Mostly Bitter

making dandelions edible and why they are mostly bitter

We’ve all come across tales praising the virtues of dandelions. Enthusiastic advocates of foraging often claim, “Just locate young dandelion leaves in early spring, prior to the emergence of flower stalks. If you do this correctly, bitterness won’t be an issue. Instead, you’ll savor the most delectable and nutritious fresh greens you’ve ever tasted.”

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If You Find These 10 Weeds In Your Garden, You Should NEVER Kill Them!

if you find these 10 weeds in your garden you should never kill them

For those with a green thumb, a substantial portion of their contemplation likely revolves around thwarting the encroachment of weeds in their garden beds. Unbridled, these unwelcome intruders seize precious space and nutrients from our cherished plants. Extracting these interlopers that manage to establish roots can become a labor-intensive and demanding endeavor.

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Cattail – A Handy Survival Plant

cattail a handy survival plant

The cattail, an unassuming wetland plant, holds a place in our collective consciousness that extends far beyond the boundaries of botanical knowledge or expertise in foraging wild edibles. Its unpretentious presence resonates with people from all walks of life, endearing itself as an icon of seasonal transition and nature’s intrinsic beauty.

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Edible Desert Plants You Can Safely Use When There’s No Food

edible desert plants you can safely use when there's no food

The United States of America is home to some of the most diverse and fascinating landscapes on the planet, and the deserts are no exception. These arid regions cover vast swathes of land across the country, with some major areas being particularly renowned for their unique flora.

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How To Make Coffee Substitutes

how to make coffee substitutes

Life around a campfire is surely one of the most cheerful and happy traits of spending time in the Great Outdoors. So vivid, so peaceful, and yet, it fills you with so much energy.

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How To Make Dandelion and Burdock Wine

how to make dandelion and burdock wine

Walking along any country lane at different times of the year reveals a pleasing assortment of wildflowers, even in early spring. Many varieties of these flowering plants can contribute a delicate bouquet to many wines.

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5 Herbs To Boost Your Immunity

5 herbs to boost your immunity

The following herbs are some of the most highly researched, as individuals and modern medicine alike search for answers on how to best assist the immune system in warding off illness and disease.

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12 Sugar And Gums Plants You Can Find In The Wilderness

12 Sugar And Gums Plants You Can Find In The Wilderness

Back in the old days, the native people of North America used various plants to obtain the needed sugar for their diets. With the arrival of the first settlers, a few of the plants the American Indians used become very popular, and they stay so throughout the years, now being sold commercially.

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Surviving In The Wilderness With These Wild Edible Roots – Part 1

Surviving In The Wilderness With These Wild Edible Roots - Part 1Wild edible roots, tubers or rhizomes have been the staple of many cultures throughout history. The United States too, would be lost without potatoes. The following wild edible roots will assure your survival if you ever find yourself stranded in the wilderness.

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Garlic: Facts and Uses of This Superfood

Garlic: Facts and Uses of This SuperfoodVampires, cancer, and your neighbors (that is if you breath on them), all have a single common denominator: Garlic combats against them all. Garlic is one of the earliest attested pants to be made useful by humans. It has been used as a treatment for illnesses as well as to maintain health.

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