Determining the Size of a Garden Required to Feed a Family

determining the size of a garden required to feed a family

In these times of increasing food costs, political unrest in various areas of the world, and concern about how all of this will eventually affect us, there is a growing interest in home gardening.

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The Ultimate Guide to Making Biltong for Survivalists and Preppers

the ultimate guide to making biltong for survivalists and preppers

Biltong is the most popular traditional South African product, and its origin dates back to the early Dutch settlers. They used biltong and droëwors to stockpile meat that they could take with them on their long treks into the unknown interior before the days of refrigeration.

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The Best Gardening Methods For Preppers – Part II

the best gardening methods for preppers – part ii

In the first part of our article on gardening methods for preppers and survivalists, we covered the world of underground gardening, discussing the secrets of root cellar gardening and underground greenhouses. We explored how these innovative techniques harness the natural properties of the earth to create stable and controlled environments for growing fresh produce year-round, even in the most challenging conditions.

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The Best Gardening Methods For Preppers – Part I

the best gardening methods for preppers – part i

In our world, being ready for anything is the name of the game, and gardening isn’t just about pretty flowers or fresh veggies—it’s about being prepared for whatever life throws your way. For folks who take preparedness seriously, knowing how to grow your own food isn’t just a hobby; it’s a key part of making sure you can take care of yourself and your loved ones, no matter what.

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Preserving Herbs In Vinegar

preserving herbs in vinegar

Cultivating your own herb patch might present a frustrating dilemma when you find yourself swamped with more herbs than you can promptly consume before they begin to wither. So, what steps can you take to utilize these herbs efficiently and avoid wastage?

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Hunting And Eating Black Bear

hunting and eating black bear

Bear meat was a frequent delicacy in our household during my childhood in the countryside. Grandpa had a fondness for hunting black bears, considering them the prime target among big game animals. Grandma consistently lauded bear meat as the epitome of culinary delight among game meats. With Grandma’s repertoire of mouthwatering recipes, she effortlessly substantiated her assertion.

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Using A Time-Tested Food Preservation Method When There’s No Fridge – 8 Available Options

using a time tested food preservation method when there’s no fridge

Living off the grid and achieving food self-sufficiency is a noble pursuit, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is food preservation – keeping your harvest fresh and edible without the convenience of a refrigerator or freezer. Fear not, fellow homesteaders! There are numerous methods, both time-tested and innovative, to extend the shelf life of your food and keep your pantry stocked throughout the year.

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Making Dandelions Edible and Why They Are Mostly Bitter

making dandelions edible and why they are mostly bitter

We’ve all come across tales praising the virtues of dandelions. Enthusiastic advocates of foraging often claim, “Just locate young dandelion leaves in early spring, prior to the emergence of flower stalks. If you do this correctly, bitterness won’t be an issue. Instead, you’ll savor the most delectable and nutritious fresh greens you’ve ever tasted.”

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The Need To Store Salt For Survival

the need to store salt for survival

Salt emerges as an indispensable cornerstone within the well-stocked pantry of every discerning prepper, representing a ubiquitous and fundamental staple that lays the foundation for culinary preparedness.

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The Importance of Gleaning For Survival

the importance of gleaning for survival

Tracing its origins back to ancient times, the act of collecting surplus produce from fields and leftover fruit post-harvest has a longstanding history, dating back to biblical eras. This communal practice was regarded as a gesture of goodwill among neighbors.

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Avoid These Mistakes When Buying Survival Food

avoid these mistakes when buying survival food

In an age where preparedness is paramount, especially given the background of the recent pandemic, our dependence on traditional grocery stores and food supplies has been magnified. The concept of buying survival food is more relevant than ever, urging individuals to ensure their households are equipped for unforeseen emergencies.

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Food Preps When You Lack Money

food preps when you lack money

Many folks express concerns about their inability to stock up on extra food due to financial constraints. For those intrigued by the world of “food preps” or preparedness, they might find themselves diving into online forums, devouring books, and scouring newspapers on the topic. However, these resources often lead to overwhelm as they delve into the nitty-gritty of how much to stock, what kinds of food to hoard, and the intricate art of preservation.

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Why Freeze-Drying Might Be Just What Preppers Need

why freeze drying might be just what preppers need

In recent years, there’s been a lot of buzz among preppers on social media about a new kitchen gadget. People have been curious about whether it’s worth the price and how well it works for the average prepper.

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