Foraging For Wild Foods This Fall, Just Like The Pioneers Did

Foraging for wild foods this fall, just like the pioneers didThe first settlers that shaped and tamed this country were nothing more than modern hunter-gatherers. Their foraging ways provided a good source of foods when crops were not available. Foraging for wild foods was an important skill and it was passed on to newer generations, even when trading posts were becoming more and more popular.

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Honey Mesquite: A Survival Tree for Arid Lands

Honey Mesquite: A Survival Tree for Arid LandsHoney mesquite also commonly called mesquite is an amazing tree native to North America that was a key resource of the native people. If you grow this tree on your property, it will provide you with food, drink, medicine and fertilizer, just as it did for the natives.  

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Plantain – A Common Weed With Incredible Medicinal Properties

Plantain – A common weed with medicinal propertiesAlthough it is seen as a garden weed in many parts of North America, Plantain is a powerful plant that has many medicinal uses. Even more, plantain is an edible plant that can be foraged in both wild and urban environments. Plantain is a genuinely excellent medical aid, and people should learn about its properties rather than pulling it out and throwing it away.  

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Eight Survival Myths That Will Get You Killed – Updated

Preppers Will Survival Myths that will get you killed  pw

You can see more and more people wearing a paracord survival bracelet. You hear them talking about survival and prepping as they’ve seen it on TV, movies or after reading about it in various magazines. However, what the media transmits to the consumers does not reflect what real survival requires and this is how survival myths were born.

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How To Find And Use Soap Plants For 2019

How To Find And Use Soap PlantsAs functional members of our modern society, we are somehow accustomed to taking things for granted. We become dependent on stores and the items we buy. Soap is one of the many items that we take for granted. If stores stopped selling this article tomorrow, we would have no clue how to make do without it. Luckily for us, there are soap plants that we can use as a substitute when soap runs out.

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Top 10 Medicinal Herbs For Your Garden

Top 10 Medicinal Herbs For Your GardenHerbal medicine has been around for centuries. Although people are encouraged to buy modern medicine, this ancient healing knowledge is still widely practiced. Medicinal herbs will still be here, long after the collapse of modern society. We should all learn how to take advantage of these healing herbs.

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Know Your Region Before Disaster Strikes

Know Your Region Before Disaster StrikesWhere will you be when SHTF? There’s a big chance it will catch you in your home region and eventually, it will all be for the best. If you know your region before the event occurs, you have better chances of surviving it.

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Survival Lessons From The Native Americans

Survival Lessons From The Native Americans   For the Native people of our country, survival wasn’t something extraordinary as it is being portrayed today. It was just something they did every day. In our modern times, due to the abundance of TV shows, magazines, and online information, survival has become a complicated way of life. The survival lessons passed to me by a Cherokee elder in North Carolina will show you that survival shouldn’t be as complex as some would like you to believe.

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Arid Edibles As Survival Food

Arid Edibles As Survival Food   Wild edibles are a precious source of food when you find yourself lacking the resources to survive in an unknown environment. Since nature doesn’t always play in your favor, you could be wandering on unfamiliar grounds like the desert. In the United States, some major areas are deserts, and although it might not be a favorable environment to thrive in, the desert can provide arid edibles that will help you to push forward.

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Survival Skills Your Great Grandparents Had That You Don’t

Survival Skills Your Great Grandparents Had That You Don’t   Our great grandparents were true survivors and they were able to thrive in challenging times. The following are the survival skills your great grandparents had. If we think of our childhood and of everything they had to do, to be self-sufficient, we will realize they had skills that, today, we lack for certain.

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Essential Tips To Stretch Your Food Budget

Essential Tips to stretch your food budget In these harsh economic times, stretching your food budget is a must. Every penny counts and preppers know it all too well. We can live with older clothes, we can drive an older car, but we must have food. Water and food are a must for whatever scenario the future throws at us. Without a good stockpiled pantry, our chances of survival are slim.

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Summer Forage: Wild Edible Fruits and Vegetables

Summer Forage - Wild Fruits and Vegetables   What would happen if one day you won’t find food in the stores? Or what will you do if you get stranded somewhere away from civilization with nothing to eat? In these situations, you will have to rely on the outdoors and your knowledge about what plants can be eaten without the risk of getting sick. You will have to forage to avoid starving and keep going.

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Survival Food – A Guide To Edible Seaweeds

preppers will - a guide to edible seaweeds  Living on seashores and beaches has its advantages and besides providing an escape route, the sea can offer so much more when it comes to food. From fish to the plants growing along the seashore and even the highly nutritious seaweed, which is versatile and easily accessible. Here is what edible seaweeds you should forage if you are at the beach.

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