Hunting in the winter offers unique challenges and rewards. The crisp air, snow-covered landscapes, and tracking opportunities can make it an unforgettable experience. However, the harsh conditions also demand careful preparation and attention to safety.
Hunting And Eating Black Bear
Bear meat was a frequent delicacy in our household during my childhood in the countryside. Grandpa had a fondness for hunting black bears, considering them the prime target among big game animals. Grandma consistently lauded bear meat as the epitome of culinary delight among game meats. With Grandma’s repertoire of mouthwatering recipes, she effortlessly substantiated her assertion.
Hunting Camouflage – Hit Or Miss?
Many hunters believe that wearing hunting camouflage clothing is crucial for success, and the same idea extends to wildlife photography. The question is, is camo really necessary for that perfect shot, and if so, which pattern works best among the numerous options available?
A Beginner’s Guide To Trapping
Whether you’re aiming to manage predator populations on your land, enhance your self-sufficiency, or gather fur-bearing animals for personal use or sale, mastering the art of dealing with unwanted or troublesome creatures is an essential skill for the contemporary trailblazer. When it comes to resource management, trapping stands as the ultimate technique.
Hunting And Eating Reptiles For Survival
Perhaps you find yourself drawn to the idea of embracing your survivalist instincts, envisioning a life immersed in nature and self-sufficiency when society inevitably crumbles. Alternatively, you might simply be an ardent outdoors enthusiast who thrives in the wilderness long before any doomsday scenario unfolds.
How To Avoid, Evade and Hunt Bears
There is a possibility of encountering a bear population regardless of whether you reside in a heavily forested region, the desert, or near large lakes, in North America. Living in a remote location raises the likelihood of encountering a bear, particularly during camping. While camping in a bear sanctuary is not advisable, taking precautions can prevent a bear attack.
Turkey Hunting 101
Turkey hunting is a challenging and exciting pursuit that requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of the birds’ behavior and habitat. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a beginner, there are many tips and techniques that can help you be more successful in the field. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of turkey hunting.
10 Tips To Help You Hunt More Coyotes
While I was still in middle school, I experienced the thrill of calling and killing my first coyote, which fetched a handsome sum of $55 at the local fur buyer. This event sparked my interest in coyote-calling, and I soon found myself relying on fur to make a living as I struggled to establish my outfitting business after high school. Through persistent trial and error, I learned the art of coyote-calling, eventually winning frequent contests.
Are Back Up Sights Necessary?
You might have heard of backup iron sights (BUIS) but do not know what they initially do. You might already know but still need to figure out whether they’re worth it for you.
Stalking Prey Just As Your Ancestors Did
The land on which a given tribe settled influenced every native culture on our continent in a unique way. A good example can be found in the Great Plains, a vast grassland that stretched from what is now known as Canada to Mexico.
A Few Ways To Make Your Land Turkey Friendly
Few things warm a turkey hunter’s heart more than seeing a hen with a brood of newly hatched poults. It is much more satisfying if the sighting occurs on your property.
Tips For Wilderness Carry And Having The Right Handgun For The Job
I was with my friend, Tobey, for a ruffed grouse hunt in northern New Hampshire. The spot we were hunting was an area about 20 minutes away from his home in Lancaster. Tobey has a remote cabin on this property that is loaded with grouse. It also has its fair share of black bears.
Tips For Hunting Turkeys With A Bow
I recall a time when tagging turkeys with a bow seemed a sort of parlor trick you pulled off only under the most unusual of lucky circumstances. And I’m referring to using modern compound bows with all of the up-to-date trimmings.