Simple Steps For Tanning Hides

simple steps for tanning hides

I got started tanning fur purely by accident. My longtime friend and hunting partner, Robert, started a taxidermy business and decided to offer his customers in-house tanning. I happened to be in his shop one day as he was combing out some wolf pelts he had just finished tanning. I was amazed at how soft and supple they had turned out.

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Putting Together A Get Back Home Kit For When Your Vehicle Breaks Down

putting together a get back home kit for when your vehicle breaks down

Things have a way of going wrong at the most inopportune time, and there’s no way you can be 100 percent prepared for every emergency situation. However, you can drastically increase your chances of survival by planning in advance. Today we will look at what you should do to head out on foot when your vehicle breaks down.

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Planing For Blackouts And Keeping The Basics Running

planing for blackouts and keeping the basics running

The nation’s electrical grid is in peril. This is nothing new, and we’ve been warned about it for years. But now, the issue is beginning to manifest itself, and many states are affected. The reasons are complex, and there’s a lot of finger-pointing going on from every side of the issue, but the raw facts are easy to comprehend.

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How To Live Off the Grid

how to live off the grid

Most disaster preparedness typically includes creating sufficient food and potable water stores and enough ammunition and firearms for protection. However, those wanting complete self-sufficiency and life sustainability will often choose to live off the grid.

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Things You Should Know About Solar Power Systems And Their Efficiency

things you should know about solar power systems and their efficiency

Efficiency is a way of life for everyone living beyond the last power pole. When we moved off-grid 20 years ago, the first thing that was drilled into our heads was the necessity of making efficient use of energy at all times.

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Emergency Signal Essentials To Call For Help

emergency signal essentials to call for help

You’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, injured and without help in sight. Your cell phone has no signal and is not going to be the lifeline you were counting on it to be.

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Tips For Building An Off-Road Recovery Kit

tips for building an off road recovery kit

If you like to spend a lot of time in the outdoors, it’s important to learn how to take care of yourself. However, you should also learn how to take care of your vehicle and get it unstuck if bad luck comes your way. Let’s look at how to prepare an off-road recovery kit.

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Understanding Forest Fire Safety, Preparation and Survival

understanding forest fire safety, preparation and survival

Fire can keep a person warm, allows them to cook freshly killed meat, and provides light and comfort. At the same time, fire is one of the most destructive forces on the planet, destroying millions of acres of forest every year and leaving thousands homeless. It can rapidly spread at an alarming rate as it engulfs fuel along the way, feeding itself and growing exponentially.

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How to make green cleaners for your household

how to make green cleaners for your household

With a few items from your pantry, you can clean and refresh your home using only natural ingredients. With some basic kitchen items and a bit of elbow grease, you can easily remove stains and kill germs.

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Maintaining And Repairing Your Gear For Wilderness Worry-Free Travel

maintaining and repairing your gear for wilderness worry free travel

If you don’t properly care for and maintain your gear, even expensive gear won’t serve you well for long.

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Recipes For The Simple Pioneer Breakfast

recipes for the simple pioneer breakfast

If you need a lot of energy to sustain yourself throughout a day filled with tough chores, eating a hearty, healthy breakfast is crucial. How about we look back at our ancestors and try a few simple recipes for a tasty pioneer breakfast?

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Essential Survival Skills for Bugging Out in the Outdoors

essential survival skills for bugging out in the outdoors

Mental, physical, and practical preparedness are the Prepper’s first tasks. Sizing up situations and risks comes immediately after. Every scenario has its own features, and an emergency situation is constantly changing.

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How To Live Undetected In The Woods

How To Live Undetected In The Woods


 I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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