Suggestions For Avoiding Ticks During Your Next Outdoors Trip

suggestions for avoiding ticks during your next outdoorsttrip

I love spending time outside and interacting with the environment around me. However, nothing bothers me more than ticks, and ever since I can remember, I’ve hated these little buggers. While you can’t totally avoid interacting with ticks, you can do certain things to prevent being bitten.

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Busting The Myth Of Dealing With Frostbite

busting the myth of dealing with frostbite

In the wilderness, the biting winds and the subfreezing temperatures are always a recipe for disaster. The wintery scenery is beautiful, but it can also become a dangerous trap for the ill-prepared adventurer. If you find yourself suffering from the onset of frostbite is better to follow the proper procedures to keep yourself warm and ignore the myths.

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Tips For The Ice Angler To Get That Much Needed Panfish

tips for the ice angler to get that much needed panfish

The kind of water that is easy to overlook. Easy to drive by and assume that the diminutive size or depth isn’t worth the effort. From Nebraska to Illinois and far beyond, the same story seems worth repeating. Some of ice fishing’s best opportunities for panfish can sometimes be some very unassuming water.

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15 Of The Most Common Wilderness Survival Myths

15 of the most common wilderness survival myths

I’ve been a prepper for a while now, and everyone that knows me can swear that I would rather spend as much time as possible in the great outdoors rather than living in the concrete jungle. Over the years, I’ve heard many wilderness survival myths, and there are many versions circulating out there that make people believe everything is possible in the outdoors.

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Learning The Art Of Fly Fishing

learning the art of fly fishing

Words paint a mental picture, and, oftentimes, certain words immediately bring to mind a specific image. For instance, the mention of fly fishing often brings up a very vivid and nostalgic scene. Many folks immediately imagine an angler standing knee-deep in a pristine trout stream, attired in waders, a fishing vest, and a wide-brimmed hat.

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The Basics of Footcare In The Field

the basics of footcare in the field

Footcare should become a priority to those that spend a great deal of time in the outdoors. After all, your feet are perhaps the most important part of your engine, and they carry you wherever you need to go. Here is an introduction to footcare in the field.

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Cooking With A Reflector Oven In The Wilderness

cooking with a reflector oven in the wilderness

For anyone with a love of food and fires, one of the key pleasures of outdoor living must be cooking. Little provides as much enjoyment in camp as producing a good meal. Even those who don’t care much for the process will appreciate the results. If local ingredients can provide at least part of the feast, so much the better.

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Dealing With Body Temperature Loss In The Wilderness

Dealing With Body Temperature Loss In The Wilderness

The instructor in the survival class was standing outside a lean-to shelter constructed of parachute nylon. As the sun beat down on his students, it was difficult for them to imagine the frozen environment which he was describing.

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Rope Making and Usage In The Wilderness

Rope necessity making and usage in the wilderness

The rope is one of the oldest tools known to man. For thousands of years, man has twisted vines and plant fibers to make rope. Primitive man first used rope to bind simple tools to handles.

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