In the old days, the home medicine chest of the pioneers was comprised of locally grown herbs and plants. Garlic has been proven to be a powerful natural remedy for many generations and antibiotic garlic tincture is highly appreciated even today.
6 Wild Healing Plants You Should Use
Identifying and Treating Hypothermia
20 Herbal Remedies For The Winter Season
How To Field Treat An Injury
It doesn’t matter what activity you are involved in or how the injury is incurred. Most injuries can be treated immediately in the field. Sudden overstretching a muscle can result in acute muscle injury in the field or at home. Minor injuries, however, do not require a doctor’s help in treating. They can be treated in the wilderness with the right knowledge and supplies.
Alternative Healing Aids For Your Bug Out Bag
Step By Step Smart Guide To Make A First Aid Kit
Treating Wounds With Honey And Sugar- Proven Method
Treating wounds using alternative healing methods will become a vital skill when there is no doctor around. Besides providing you with the much-needed food, your pantry also holds two items that will help you treat wounds: honey and sugar. These two ingredients are beneficial for cleansing and healing traumatic wounds.
Sugardine – A Cheap Homemade Antiseptic In 3 Easy Steps
Sugardine is a homemade antiseptic that uses the antibacterial proprieties of sugar and iodine to prevent and kill infections. Sugardine was developed in the old days as a primary method to treat abscesses and thrush on the hooves of horses. However, only a few people know that this homemade antiseptic is also useful for humans. It is cheap and easy to make, and it is a perfect solution for preppers and survivalists.
Vetigel – The Gel That Stops Bleeding In Seconds
Dakin’s Solution – An Old Homemade Antiseptic Revised For Today
SHTF Health Issues And How To Handle Them
In the world we live today there are as many man-made disasters as natural ones and you need to learn to survive both. If your pantry is full, your health and safety should be the first priority when a disaster strikes. Knowing what to do and having the correct equipment to treat a medical problem should be a must for every prepper since even the smallest infection can bring you down if left untreated.
Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is often used for first aid, as it is essential when it comes to disinfecting wounds and staving off infections. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material, it breaks down into oxygen and water, meaning it is non-toxic for general use. It is an inexpensive product that has much more benefits than one would think.