Under normal circumstances, news of an expectant mother glowing with the radiance of pregnancy is a joyous occasion, typically marked with celebration, tears of happiness, and mailed birth announcements. However, when the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan, dealing with pregnancy and childbirth is a pressing and stressful situation.
self healing
How To Deal With Traumatic Injuries In The Field
The most lethal poison known to man is testosterone. It is not by chance that men make up 93 percent of the federal prison population. Most guys, as any woman will tell you, are infantile and self-destructive—sometimes for hours on end.
Medical Procedure – IV Basics For The Prepper Medic
The prepper with medical training must deal with a wide range of medical issues. When you don’t have access to modern medical facilities, bleeding, broken bones, burns, and infections can pose serious problems.
Recognizing And Dealing With Shock
Shock can have many different meanings. A movie’s plot twist could be shocking to some. Touching a live wire could result in a shock. You may be in shock as a result of the death of a loved one or as a result of trauma. Shock, in my opinion, is a terrifying term that predicts poor outcomes despite our best medical efforts.
How To Prevent And Treat Common Winter Injuries
Winter can be a time of joy and wonder, but it can also be a challenging season for the outdoorsy person. Winter injuries are a common occurrence for those spending time in the great outdoors, and it doesn’t need to be all that cold for some of the winter injuries we will cover today to impact your health.
Here’s Why You Should Keep Activated Charcoal In Your Survival Pack
Activated charcoal has been scientifically proven to treat poisonings, so keep some on hand at home or in your survival backpack. Let’s look more into how you can use activated charcoal during an emergency.
Tips For Harvesting And Using The Chaga Mushroom – A Special Mushroom With Many Health Benefits
I first learned about Chaga when I was just a young boy, and my grandfather was the one that taught me everything he knew about this strange mushroom and how to reap its many benefits. Chaga has been used in old folk medicine, and many people do not even know it exists since they mistake it for something else.
How to Relieve Airway Obstructions When You’re Choking
How many times have you swallowed a piece of food that was too big and started panicking that it won’t go down? While you may have been lucky and eventually managed to swallow that piece of food, others weren’t as lucky.
Backwoods Safety Recommendations From An EMS Paramedic
We’ve all heard stories of people who went on a day hike or afternoon hunting outing when disaster struck. A short hike or hunt turned into three days lost in the woods, or even worse, the person went missing for weeks and was never heard from again. Backwoods calamities happen every year in America and beyond.
Avoiding And Dealing With The Misery Of Poison Oak
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 10 to 50 million Americans develop allergic rashes to poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac every year. These plants grow almost everywhere in the United States, except Alaska, Hawaii, and some desert regions of Nevada.
Busting The Myth Of Dealing With Frostbite
In the wilderness, the biting winds and the subfreezing temperatures are always a recipe for disaster. The wintery scenery is beautiful, but it can also become a dangerous trap for the ill-prepared adventurer. If you find yourself suffering from the onset of frostbite is better to follow the proper procedures to keep yourself warm and ignore the myths.
Preventing And Treating Walking-Related Injuries
Stepping over rocks while on a remote trail is a good way to lose your balance and twist your ankle. Not so much a problem if you are near home, it becomes a major problem if you are miles from a trail.
How To Diagnose Appendicitis
Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies, and it is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain. In the United States, 250,000 cases of appendicitis are reported annually, representing 1 million patient-days of admission.