CBD gummies are suddenly everywhere. This relatively new CBD product has become incredibly popular, and anyone who has tried them seems to love them. It seems that people suffering from PTSD, anxiety and other such disorders are giving these a try
self healing
Top 10 Healing Plants to Grow In Your Garden
For thousands of years, man has treated sickness and pain by using the healing properties of certain plants. These healing plants were the only available resource that helped mankind survive when battling ill health, and without them, we wouldn’t be here today.
Dealing With A Dental Emergency Off-The-Grid
A dental emergency can become a huge problem when professional medical aid is not available. It can bring down to its knees, even the strongest person out there, and all the survival chores you need to accomplish will have to wait until you take care of the dental emergency. Here are some tips to help you deal with a dental emergency in an inhospitable environment.
Infectious Disease Control – All You Need To Know!
In today’s troubling times, contracting an infectious disease is easier than one may think. An infectious disease is a disorder caused by organisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) that have entered your body. Knowing how to protect yourself from such a disease is only half the battle, putting your knowledge into practice is actually the main step to win the war.
Putting Together a Mountain Medical Kit
The bone protruding from the young man’s moist red jeans pulled the student’s blood to her feet. Her face became as pale as that of the victim lying on the ground. Unknown to the student, the “victim” was an artistic creation for the purpose of showing wilderness survival students how to react to medical emergencies in the wilderness.