Sage – The versatile Medicinal Herb Growing In Your Yard

Back in the day, old folks used to grow sage since they believed their house would be protected. There is even an old saying that goes something like this “A house by which sage grows, death avoids.” No, the plant will not make you immortal, but it will fight certain battles for you.

🌿A versatile plant you should keep close by

Sage (Salvia officinalis) has been used for centuries by herbalists due to its strong effect against viruses and microbes. It was also used to prepare various types of dishes even though the plant didn’t change the overall flavor considerably.  It was added to food mostly because of its medicinal properties.

In modern days, sage is being used to treat various skin diseases, depression, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. However, the main use of sage has always been preparing tea, and you can find it dried in pretty much every grocery store out there. Essential sage oil is now used in soap making, in various mood relaxation therapies, and especially to treat anxiety.

⚗️ Science over folk wisdom

Sage To Grow In Your Garden

There were many remedies passed down from one generation to another over the centuries, and various studies were conducted to test this folklore medicine knowledge. Such studies, like the one published in the scientific Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, argues that “Various studies claim that aside from the capability to treat common disease, sage has potentially beneficial effects in treating various serious or deadly illnesses like depression or dementia.”

Further research has shown that essential oil made from sage improves the mood, and it can be particularly useful during a stressful situation. The oil’s ability to improve the mood not only will help you keep your head above water when SHTF, but it will also help the seniors in the treatment of advanced dementia.

Even more, it was proven that higher doses of sage essential oil improve memory and thinking, making it an ideal aid to help solve problems when certain challenges seem just too much to handle. There were no negative side effects recorded, and this helped push the use of sage essential oil to increase the speed of word recollection in those suffering from Alzheimer’s.

🤒 Treating colds and flus

lbor12It was demonstrated that Sage is an antidiuretic which increases the body’s temperature, which makes it ideal if you need to treat feverless phlegmy colds. The plant’s constricting effects make it strongly aromatic and bitter.

It may not be the best alternative for people with dry skin, dry coughs, and fevers. The plant is great for drying out excessive mucosa moisture, but it was shown to also worsen certain symptoms, such as fevers or dry mucous membranes.

Medicinal research shows that sage functions effectively against viruses, bacteria, and lymph node swelling – thanks to which it is a brilliant medicine for very phlegmy flus. If you need to treat such issues, use the dried plant or essential oil that contains fats extracted from the herb.

Experts suggest that the essential oil is the strongest and most effective cure. However, it’s important to acknowledge that our ancestors used herbs orally in their original form. In fact, this is the most common habit when using medicinal herbs.

My grandmother used to deal with phlegm by adding two drops of sage essential oil to honey and use it in tea and coffee.

🧪 Sage is a powerful antidiuretic

The plant is often used to treat breast inflammation during the breastfeeding stage. Due to its antidiuretic effect, a poultice is made and applied directly to the inflamed breasts. Even using sage teabags will do the trick, and for certain women, it showed better results than the commonly prescribed medicine.

Regarding expectant mothers, sage use should be limited since the plant can have affect breast milk production. In some cases, the plant was also used to help later-stage pregnancies to bring about earlier childbirth.

The plant is known to help with any health issue that is caused by excessive body hydration. The first pioneers used it to treat wounds, bleeding, and ulcers.  The plant is an anti-inflammatory and makes it ideal for treating phlegm production associated with inflammation.

Women often use the plant in cases when dealing with unusually heavy menstruation.  However, if you had such issues for a long time, it’s better to consult your doctor and inquire about the problems.

💄 Sage and the Beauty Market

Sage And The Cosmetics Market

Sage has found its place in today’s cosmetics market, and it helps skin health. Not only it removes wrinkles but also helps scar and skin regeneration. To be on the safe side, always dilute sage oil and never use it in its pure form.

Add the sage essential oil into a base that is hard at room temperature. The most commonly used is coconut oil, and mixing the oils is quite easy.  Boil mildly boil the coconut oil until it’s completely liquid and avoid burning it. Now add the essential oil and stir the mix. That’s all there is to it.

A trick I’ve been using ever since I was a young woman is adding sage essential oil to shampoo. It’s great for dealing with greasy hair, and it also helps you get rid of dandruff.  Nowadays, sage can be found in various creams that deal with acne since it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

📚 Some old remedies you should try

Sage has been used for centuries, and the Romans were the first to use it for seasoning their foods, but also as a local anesthetic or hemostatic.  Sage has remained a popular remedy even today and is often used for treating skin wounds, insect stings, or indigestion.

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Use sage for disinfection

Sage can be used both externally and internally to treat various inflammations and skin wounds. Sage decoction can be gargled to thoroughly clean the mouth and treat inflammation in a survival situation

The plant can also be added to baths to disinfect minor wounds and quicken their healing. If you find yourself in the wild and you get injured, use fresh leaves to wounds to stop the bleeding and clean the wound.

Use sage for cleansing

Our ancestors used sage for its internal cleansing effects, and they would regularly drink sage tea to prevent and cure diarrhea, stomach cramps, and gastric ulcers. About half a gallon or two liters of a mild sage decoction can sterilize and cleanse all “wounds” on the intestinal wall, cure polyps, and eliminate harmful parasites.

Use sage for anti-inflammation

Sage heals gum inflammation, pressure sores from dental plates, or mouth ulcers. It is an ideal plant to keep dental hygiene in an austere environment. The plant helps in oral hygiene, and it can be found in various toothpaste, but also in chewing gums.

If a cold sore appears on your lip or nose, try to apply a sage poultice or a fresh leaf, and I can guarantee it will help. Just lightly squeeze the leaf between your fingers and apply it to the cold sore.

Use sage as an anti-fungal

The plant was intensely used to treat various fungal diseases. It was added to baths, or it was made into a poultice and applied to the affected area. It’s great for getting rid of fungal infections on your toenails.

Use sage as a digestive

Adding sage to your meals and including the plant in your daily diet will prevent you from feeling gassy, and it will improve digestion. It stimulates the gallbladder, and it’s also a well-known plant that can help various intestinal disorders, and help with food poisoning as well.

👵 A few forgotten recipes using sage

Sage Leaves To Forage

Sage honey

This is the most common recipe involving the use of sage. You will need a large jar of honey and a handful of crushed fresh leaves. Some people use dried sage, but fresh leaves are much better.

To make sage honey, gradually heat up the honey in a water bath until you obtain that golden liquid. Crush the fresh leaves and add them to the liquid honey, and stir well. Pour the mixture into smaller recipients (you can use small glasses) and place them in a warm place. You can use the honey as you please, either eat it as is or add it to tea or coffee.

Sage syrup

This syrup can be found in our home all winter since it’s a strong antioxidant. To make it, you will need 7 oz. granulated sugar, 2 oz. fresh sage leaves, lemon juice from one lemon, and 9 oz. boiled water.

Start by melting the sugar in boiling water and add the chopped leaves to the water. You will need to let the mixture infuse for at least 24 hours. Strain the mixture through a cloth, into a pot, add the lemon juice and simmer for five minutes. Put the sage syrup into a jar and let it cool for a few minutes. Place it in the fridge, and it will last throughout the winter.


Sage and Vinegar Poultice

Flatten whole fresh sage leaves using a rolling pin, but do not break or tear them. Toss all the leaves into a pan and barely cover them with vinegar. Simmer gently for five minutes over very low heat.

The vinegar should not boil, but it should steam so that the sage leaves soften and blanch. After five minutes, remove all the leaves and lay them on a sterile cloth. You will need to work fast, but carefully, as the leaves will be hot.

You will have to fold the sterile cloth into a package that covers the entire affected area. Apply the bandage as hot as the patient can tolerate it and make sure to cover it with towels to retain the heat.

It is recommended to leave it on for at least one hour until the swelling has subsided. For centuries sage and vinegar poultices were used for treating bruises or sprains. Vinegar works by bringing the bruises to the surface and cooling the area, while sage is effective at reducing swelling.

🖊️ Concluding

Sage is a medicinal plant that should find its way into your garden. You can easily grow it from seeds, and it’s a resilient plant. All it needs is to have enough light and occasional watering, and it will thrive in every garden. It is a humble plant that can be used in the kitchen to season your dishes, but it also holds an important spot in your medicine cabinet.

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1 thought on “Sage – The versatile Medicinal Herb Growing In Your Yard”

  1. Sage Tea and Milk Cure-All: 91. Feed a sick baby on cow’s milk with sage tea mixed in it.” “This was called “quilling” and was used by some of the oldest settlers of the state of Nebraska. Mrs. H. O. Skiles of Lincoln said that her grandmother fed her six weeks old granddaughter on this prescription. She asserted that it cured her after doctors had said she could not live. Nebraska Folk Cures Published 1935


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