How To Survive A Kidnapping Situation

how to survive a kidnapping situation

Experiencing abduction or detainment at the hands of criminals or terrorists is an inherently perilous and terrifying ordeal. Preparing for such a situation proves challenging by conventional standards, as the element of unpredictability looms large. When faced with a gunpoint scenario, be it during a robbery or orchestrated by political extremists, accessing your survival kit becomes an impractical feat.

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The Lykov Family – A Survival Story From The Siberian Wilderness

the lykov family a survival story from the siberian wilderness

During the initial years of the 1930s, an increasingly paranoid and authoritative leader, Joseph Stalin, initiated a sweeping removal of dissent within the confines of the Soviet Union. His primary targets were individuals affiliated with the Communist Party who dared to scrutinize his treatment of peasants, downplayed the emphasis on industrialization, and advocated for greater internal democracy.

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How To Stay Safe During A Lighting Storm

how to stay safe during a lighting storm

On a clear Tuesday morning, after a heavy thunderstorm the previous night, I unlocked the office door. As I stepped inside, there was a distinct smell in the air that took a moment to identify—it was ozone. I hastened my steps towards the computer room in the back, where most of our small software firm’s employees worked.

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The Psychology Of Survival In A Group

the psychology of survival in a group

It’s rush hour in New York. The Blue Line of the Metro Rail has just left the station when something unexpected happens. Initially, you and your fellow commuters attribute the vibrations to a bumpy stretch of track, possibly due to construction. People grip their belongings a bit tighter, thinking it’s a minor issue.

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Busting 7 Winter Myths To Ensure Proper Survival

busting 7 winter myths to ensure proper survival

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering the veracity of the age-old anecdotes and advice circulating around the topic of winter survival, you’re in the right spot. It’s crucial to arm yourself with knowledge well before facing a real-life survival scenario in the chilly months.

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Population Density Facts And How It Can Get You Killed

population density facts and how it can get you killed

In a changing world where the future is more uncertain than ever, the importance of emergency preparedness gains a lot of traction and it’s hardly being viewed anymore as something trivial or optional.

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Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction – Are They Still A Threat?

biological weapons of mass destruction are they still a threat

For years, the persistent narrative has warned us about the lingering presence of weapons of mass destruction since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The specter of bio-weapons, such as anthrax and smallpox, has haunted the corridors of governmental concern despite the absence of any recent mass-casualty attacks associated with biological weapons in the United States.

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Are You Mentally Fit To Survive Brain Fog?

are you mentally fit to survive brain fog

Every passing day brings with it the potential for adversity, manifesting in various forms that impact our lives. Financial setbacks, emotional upheavals, or physical challenges—all are facets of the disasters that constantly loom over us.

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Studying Your Environment Pays Big When SHTF

studying your environment pays big when shtf

Surviving any situation requires not only physical strength but also a resilient mental approach. While physical well-being is undeniably crucial, true survivors are those who maintain mental fortitude in the face of pressure.

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How The Super Rich Are Prepping

how the super rich are prepping

In the past, the terms “prepping” and “survivalist” evoked visions of rugged mountain men armed to the teeth, living off the land. However, the connotations of these words have evolved significantly over time. While they once brought to mind images of MREs, bug-out packs, and powdered milk, the landscape of preppers today is expansive, encompassing individuals from various walks of life, including the affluent.

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Where Do You Go When The Brown Stuff Hits The Fan?

where do you go when the brown stuff hits the fan

In an ever-changing world, unforeseen challenges can test our resilience and preparedness. From natural disasters to civil unrest and unexpected societal upheavals, having a well-thought-out contingency plan is not just prudent but potentially lifesaving.

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What You Should Know When Using Vehicles For Cover

what you should know when using vehicles for cover

For over a century, automobiles have played a significant role in gunfights, marking a tumultuous era where the symphony of the Roaring ’20s intertwined with the staccato rhythm of Tommy Guns and the ominous hum of black sedans.

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Five Reasons Why Most Preppers Won’t Survive A SHTF Event

five reasons why most preppers won’t survive a shtf event

In the world of prepping, where individuals strive to be self-sufficient in the face of unforeseen disasters, there exists a common misconception that thorough preparation guarantees survival. However, the reality is far more complex, as evidenced by the startling fact that many preppers may find themselves ill-equipped to weather a SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan) event successfully.

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