Three Drills For Home Defense You Should Master

three drills for home defense you should master

You bought a handgun for self-defense, and you’ve put a good amount of hours into a defensive shooting class. You did pretty much whatever any responsible gun owner should do. But is that enough? How do you maintain those critical skills? How do you practice?

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Pros And Cons of Various Firearms For Home Defense

pros and cons of various firearms for home defense

So, you’ve been watching the crime-filled news. You’ve probably heard stories from neighbors or friends about home break-ins. Maybe you’ve even been the victim of a home invasion. And you’ve finally decided to purchase a firearm. Great!

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Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness

Risk Management

Your neighbor next door just told you his brand new Ford Mustang was stolen last night. He had it locked up, had the alarm system on, but whoever stole it was a pro; it was gone and was going to stay that way. What did he do wrong?

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Small Unit Tactics Recommended for Smart Preppers

Small Unit Tactics Recommended for Smart Preppers

“The control of a large force is the same in principle as the control of a few men; it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers. Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different from fighting with a small one. It is merely a question of instituting signs and signals.”—So wrote the Chinese General Sun Tzu in his treatise The Art of War some 500 years before the birth of Christ. Today we are going to cover the small unit tactics that every survival group should know.

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Hand to Hand Combat – 8 Practical Tips

hand to hand combat

This theoretical article will explore the different elements of hand to hand combat, also introducing several practical tactics that can aid in a valid conclusion to a fight. Although we discuss supplementary weapons, the term “hand to hand” as applicable here relates to conflicts where the only defense is the hand.

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for any fight is to take up martial arts training. There are many types of martial arts that you can take up, and it all depends on what your goal is and how long you have to train for them. The earlier you start, the more prepared you are going to be if you need to use it. We have recently published an article about Asian Martial Arts, and we highly recommend you read that before you decide which you take up.

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The Ultimate Home Defense Guide – 10 Easy To Implement Strategies

Ultimate Home Defense Guide

What does the recent social upheaval happening all over the world mean to you and your ability to defend yourself and your home? Many people’s home defense plans are predicated on a collapse of civil order…. today’s city dweller often lives in conditions that make it look like that collapse has already happened.

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