How To Make A Long-Term Financial Security Plan

I hope this article leaves you with a stronger sense of self-reliance, which is crucial in times of crisis. When emergencies arise, you can only rely on yourself and your immediate family, as there’s no guarantee that the millions of caring individuals in the world will be able to assist you.

To become more self-reliant, it’s important to establish a plan for achieving long-term financial security. Here are some actionable steps you can take towards that goal.

Get rid of debt

First, free yourself from the shackles of debt, as being indebted makes you a slave to your debt holder and relinquishes control of your finances. Resolve to avoid using credit to make purchases going forward, and adjust your budget to pay off your debts as quickly as possible. Start by paying off one debt at a time while making minimum payments on your other debts until you are completely debt-free.

Make an emergency fund

When life throws unexpected financial challenges your way, it can feel overwhelming and stressful. That’s why establishing an emergency fund is one of the best steps you can take to prepare for economic troubles. Your emergency fund should be divided into three main categories to ensure that you are prepared for any situation:

Cash-on-hand fund:

It’s crucial to have a ready supply of cash available at all times. In the event of an emergency, banks may be closed, and cards may not be accepted, so you’ll need cash to pay for essential items like supplies, fuel, or hotel rooms. Natural disasters, power grid failures, and sudden evacuations can happen anywhere and without warning. Therefore, keep cash on hand and invest in a secure wall safe to store your funds at home.

Short-term fund:

This is the fund you turn to for immediate emergencies, such as an unexpected car repair or replacing a major appliance that stopped working. It should be kept at a local bank with a debit card attached to the account, so you can access your money immediately. Short-term funds can also help you get through larger events where it may take a couple of days to access your long-term emergency fund.

Long-term fund:

This reserve of money is intended to help you get through more extended periods of difficulties, such as a job loss or a major natural disaster. While this fund should be accessible quickly, it should not be too easy to access, as you may be tempted to use it for everyday spending. It’s recommended to save at least six months of regular expenses and place it in a savings or money market account. Remember, this is an insurance policy, not an investment fund, so don’t worry about making money on this account.

By establishing an emergency fund, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re prepared for any financial challenge life may throw your way.

Build a stockpile of long term goods

build a stockpile of long term goods

To prepare for the future, consider building a stockpile of consumable resources that will be valuable and useful in the long run. However, this doesn’t mean hoarding useless items. Instead, focus on gathering items that will hold their value and meet your needs during times of difficulty.

When building your stockpile, consider items that you can’t produce on your own, such as medicine, tools, or equipment. Also, look for things that will retain their value over time, like precious metals or rare collectibles. Finally, think about items that you can use to survive during tough times, such as non-perishable food, water, or first-aid supplies.

Here are some ideas to consider when building your stockpile of long-term goods:

Prioritize Food and Water

It’s an obvious necessity – without these two items, preparing for any disaster becomes moot. The first step for everyone should be to ensure that they have enough food and water to sustain themselves and their loved ones through any calamity. You can use your stockpile of food during times of job loss or economic difficulties, as it can help you stretch your grocery budget by having a few meals a week from your stockpile while keeping the food from spoiling.

Invest in Guns and Ammo

The past few years have shown that guns and ammunition can be scarce during uncertain times. They not only have survival benefits but also serve as a great investment that can hold their value even during a crisis. For example, during the 2012 presidential election, .22lr ammunition was nearly impossible to find in the United States.

Acquire Tools

During the Great Depression, those who could fix things themselves were the ones who survived. Having a good stockpile of tools, coupled with the knowledge of how to use them, is not only a wise investment but can also ensure that you have a means of generating income. If our country ever experiences a total collapse, people who can repair things will be among the most sought-after individuals in the new economy. Furthermore, owning and repairing your belongings can help you save money by not having to purchase new ones.

the best spoil

DIY Items

In addition to having a good set of tools, consider acquiring items that will enhance your self-sufficiency. This could include anything from a sewing machine to produce your own clothes to gardening and hunting equipment to provide for your family’s food needs.

Basic Necessities

It’s important to consider stockpiling basic necessities such as clothing, first aid supplies, and any other essential items.

Stockpile Knowledge

Accumulating knowledge is crucial for survival and financial stability. To prepare for any collapse, start developing skills that will be valuable in such a scenario. Some essential skills to acquire are:

DIY skills: During an economic collapse, being self-sufficient becomes paramount. Learn how to fix things around your house, repair your own vehicles, and use these skills to generate income.

Hunting and fishing: Knowing how to obtain food without relying on a grocery store is essential for long-term survival. Start learning these skills before it’s too late.

Gardening and canning: Growing and preserving your own food is the best way to ensure your family’s sustenance. Mastering these skills can be lifesaving during difficult times.

Buy some land

If you’re considering long-term strategies to secure your financial future, investing in land should be a top priority. If you’re able to do so, begin researching where you would like to settle down in the future. Here are some important factors to consider:

Water Sources

When considering purchasing land, it’s crucial to assess the availability and quality of water sources on the property. Here are some questions to ask when evaluating water sources:

What water sources are on the land?

It’s important to identify all the water sources on the property, such as freshwater springs, rivers, ponds, lakes, or underground well water. Knowing the type and location of the water source can help you determine the feasibility of using it for drinking, irrigation, or other purposes.

Are they renewable and will they be there year-round?

Even if there is a water source on the property, it’s essential to assess its reliability and sustainability. For example, some rivers or springs may dry up during the dry season, while others may be contaminated with pollutants or chemicals. Make sure to research the water source’s flow rate, quality, and reliability to determine if it’s a dependable source of water throughout the year.

Is the property graded in a way that allows for the creation of a pond or cistern to catch rainwater?

In addition to natural water sources, it’s also important to consider the ability to create man-made water storage options, such as a pond or cistern. This can provide a backup water supply during times of drought or when natural water sources may be temporarily unavailable. Assess the land’s topography to see if it’s conducive to creating a pond or cistern, and check local regulations to ensure that you can legally construct these water storage options.

Population Density

population density when buying land

Population density is a crucial factor to consider when looking for a safe location during an economic collapse. The closer you are to large populations, the higher the risk of exposure to epidemics and diseases, as well as the higher the risk of encountering social unrest and crime.

Areas with high population densities will be the most vulnerable during a collapse and are likely to experience shortages of resources and lack of proper sanitation, resulting in higher mortality rates. Therefore, it is recommended to look for areas with low population density when searching for a safe location. Living in a remote area, away from densely populated cities, can significantly increase your chances of survival during a crisis.

However, it is essential to note that being too isolated can also have its drawbacks, such as limited access to medical facilities and emergency services. Therefore, it is recommended to find a balance between safety and accessibility.


When looking for land to sustain your lifestyle, it’s important to consider the availability of natural resources that can provide food and energy. Here are some questions to consider regarding natural resources:

Natural Resources

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How easy is it to grow food on your land?

Consider the type of soil on the land, the climate, and the availability of water. These factors will determine the ease and success of growing crops. Additionally, consider the space available for gardening and the type of crops that can be grown in the area.

Does the area support a population of wild animals for hunting?

Hunting can be an important source of food in a collapse scenario, so it’s important to assess the availability of wild animals in the area. Look for land that supports a healthy population of game animals, such as deer, turkey, and wild boar.

Can you easily raise livestock on the land?

Raising livestock, such as chickens, cows, and pigs, can provide a sustainable source of meat, eggs, and milk. When considering land for this purpose, look for areas with ample space for grazing, access to clean water, and shelter for the animals. Additionally, consider any zoning regulations that may affect your ability to raise livestock on the land.

Overall, finding land that can sustain your lifestyle involves careful consideration of various factors, including natural resources, water sources, and population density. Take the time to thoroughly research and assess your options to ensure you find the best possible location for your needs.


Becoming self-sufficient requires a combination of financial responsibility, emergency preparedness, and sustainable living. By getting rid of debt, building an emergency fund, and investing in skills and resources to sustain your lifestyle, you can increase your chances of weathering economic collapses, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events.

From securing a clean and renewable water source to finding land with adequate natural resources, there are many steps you can take to become more self-sufficient and reduce your reliance on external systems. With the right mindset, education, and planning, you can take control of your own survival and financial future.

This article was submitted by Jason N Clark.

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