How To Implement A Layered Home Security Strategy

how to implement a layered home security strategy

Layered security is a strategy that combines various security components in order to protect people, property, assets, and other assets. The military refers to this as a defense in depth.

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How To Pick And Make Sure You Have A Secure Home

how to pick and make sure you have a secure home

Experienced criminals are somehow predictable, and if they believe you are at home or if they believe your home is a hard target, they will not take the risk. They will simply relocate to a less dangerous residence.

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How To Defend Yourself With Random Objects From Your Home

how to defend yourself with random objects from your home

Action movies frequently contain scenes of the main character using improvised weapons ranging from ballpoint pens stabbed through hands to ladders swung around and spun like a cheerleader’s baton.

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Should You Shoot Or Not A Home Invader?

should you shoot or not a home intruder

You will notice a repeating pattern if you watch enough gun-related media shows, study enough online firearms training videos, or attend enough training classes.

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The Best Folding Guns You Can Get

the best folding guns you can get

When it comes to firearms, like an AK-47, there are few features as cool, and more than often useful, as the ability to fold. Whether it’s for storage in your bug-out bag, concealment, or being able to use the firearm in a wider variety of scenarios, the ability to fold in some way is a great feature used in a large range of firearms designs.

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The Best and Worst Types of Firearms to Use for Home Defense

the best and worst types of firearms to use for home defense

Home invasion has become a severe threat due to the ongoing world situation, and having a way to defend your property and family from burglars is vital. The best solution is to have the proper tools to protect what’s yours. However, some weapons are better than others, and each firearm can be maneuvered with training.

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Seven Key Elements Your Home Defense Plan Needs

seven key elements your home defense plan needs

Home defense should not be taken lightly in these uncertain times. To be adequately prepared, you must have a comprehensive home defense plan that includes training, planning, and gear.

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Recommendations To Protect And Keep Seniors Safe In Their Homes

recommendations to protect and keep seniors safe in their homes

News stories abound of criminals taking advantage of elderly citizens. According to a study done by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2021, “About 83 percent of all crime experienced by the elderly was property crime.”

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Different Types of Weapons/Tools to Have on Hand as a Prepper

different types of weaponstools to have on hand as a prepper

No matter what type of job you must position you in, you will always have work to complete. To complete this work, you must have tools. Each job will require different tools. This is the same when you are preparing for a disaster or working to survive.

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How To Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

how to keep deer out of your garden

Last summer I returned home from vacation to find my vegetable garden devoured by Bambi. My first instinct was to run for the shotgun, but since that wasn’t a legal option in July, alternatives had to be found.

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Why The AR-15 Is Great for Home Defense

ar15 war15gfhd 3

There is a debate going on about the usability of the AR-15 in a home defense scenario, and seeing that it is the most popular rifle in America today, we will try to shed some light on this topic.

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Preparing Your Home For Disaster

preparing your home for disaster

Thinking back over the years, there have been many times certain foods and items have run out due to the good old tradition of “panic buying” when rumors of an impending disaster hit the news. But prepping your household is more than just buying stuff to last you until things return to normal.

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Tips To Protect Your Homestead

tips to protect your homestead

When considering homestead security, most think of livestock first. Pesky predators pervade the property, thus securing the stock is a priority. Meanwhile, the overall security of a home may be neglected or completely overlooked, particularly in remote areas with lower crime rates.

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