A firearm is usually your best option if you find yourself in a critical situation and need to defend yourself against an attack. However, carrying a firearm is not always an option, and it’s worth looking into other pocket defense options.
How To Preserve Personal Safety While Traveling
When packing for a trip, we usually consider how to pack our suitcase in such a way that it will pass TSA inspection. While trying to navigate busy and sometimes unfamiliar airports, we are frequently irritated by the inconvenience of security measures. Unfortunately, most people do not see the big picture.
How To Defend Yourself With Random Objects From Your Home
Action movies frequently contain scenes of the main character using improvised weapons ranging from ballpoint pens stabbed through hands to ladders swung around and spun like a cheerleader’s baton.
Should You Shoot Or Not A Home Invader?
You will notice a repeating pattern if you watch enough gun-related media shows, study enough online firearms training videos, or attend enough training classes.
The Best Folding Guns You Can Get
When it comes to firearms, like an AK-47, there are few features as cool, and more than often useful, as the ability to fold. Whether it’s for storage in your bug-out bag, concealment, or being able to use the firearm in a wider variety of scenarios, the ability to fold in some way is a great feature used in a large range of firearms designs.
The Best and Worst Types of Firearms to Use for Home Defense
Home invasion has become a severe threat due to the ongoing world situation, and having a way to defend your property and family from burglars is vital. The best solution is to have the proper tools to protect what’s yours. However, some weapons are better than others, and each firearm can be maneuvered with training.
Seven Key Elements Your Home Defense Plan Needs
Home defense should not be taken lightly in these uncertain times. To be adequately prepared, you must have a comprehensive home defense plan that includes training, planning, and gear.
Recommendations To Protect And Keep Seniors Safe In Their Homes
News stories abound of criminals taking advantage of elderly citizens. According to a study done by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2021, “About 83 percent of all crime experienced by the elderly was property crime.”
Things To Know When Carrying A Knife
Since the Stone Age, the knife has helped mankind to survive for centuries. Now some state and local governments want to prevent you from carrying the ultimate preparedness tool.
How To Defeat A Bigger, Stronger Opponent In A Self-defense Situation
When you are physically attacked, you are dealt a hand that you have no choice but to play. There are no do-overs or trade-ins, just the situation that is presented to you. You must deal with it then and there or suffer the consequences. In some cases, those consequences are severe injuries or possibly death.
Six Requirements For A Survival Firearm
The six basic requirements for a firearm to be classified as a survival firearm, and in this article, we will cover each requirement so that you can make an informed decision when picking a survival firearm.
How To Be A Hard Target
When we think of a hard target versus a soft target, the first thing that comes to mind is that we’re speaking in military terms. But in terms of personal safety, it doesn’t matter what type of terminology you’re using, and your goal is to become a hard target.
The Basics of Concealed Carry Clothing
Wearing concealed carry clothing doesn’t matter as much when you’re carrying an AR15 with a tactically configured upper receiver and body armor in the field in a combat or dynamic personal defense situation.