Different Types of Weapons/Tools to Have on Hand as a Prepper

different types of weaponstools to have on hand as a prepper

No matter what type of job you must position you in, you will always have work to complete. To complete this work, you must have tools. Each job will require different tools. This is the same when you are preparing for a disaster or working to survive.

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Why The AR-15 Is Great for Home Defense

ar15 war15gfhd 3

There is a debate going on about the usability of the AR-15 in a home defense scenario, and seeing that it is the most popular rifle in America today, we will try to shed some light on this topic.

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Tips To Protect Your Homestead

tips to protect your homestead

When considering homestead security, most think of livestock first. Pesky predators pervade the property, thus securing the stock is a priority. Meanwhile, the overall security of a home may be neglected or completely overlooked, particularly in remote areas with lower crime rates.

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Finding The Balance Between Comfortable and Comforting Everyday Carry

finding the balance between comfortable and comforting everyday carry

So, the time has come, and you followed up on your decision to buy a new handgun for everyday carry. The process may not be as easy as you thought since you have to figure out how to find the balance between comfortable and comforting everyday carry.

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Crisis Preparedness For Kids

crisis preparedness for kids

Every parent wants their children to grow up in a safe environment, but reality forces us to think about dealing with the uglier side of society. It also means we have to decide how best to protect those we love. This involves more than making sure your home is safe and secured. You also have to teach your family how to protect themselves.

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Pros And Cons of Various Firearms For Home Defense

pros and cons of various firearms for home defense

So, you’ve been watching the crime-filled news. You’ve probably heard stories from neighbors or friends about home break-ins. Maybe you’ve even been the victim of a home invasion. And you’ve finally decided to purchase a firearm. Great!

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Ten Critical Tips To Edged Weapon Defense

Ten Critical Tips To Edged Weapon Defense

The world seems to be boiling this year, and an unexpected confrontation in a market or even in a parking lot can have a dire outcome. If you have to face an assailant armed with an edged weapon, the danger level of such a confrontation can turn into a life or death situation.

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Carrying A Handgun For Self-Defense

Carrying A Handgun For Self Defense

In any realistic effort to be prepared to the fullest extent to provide for the well-being of oneself and loved ones, you have to consider the carrying of concealed weapons. In contemplating going armed, the responsible individual is confronted by a concern about encountering the police and the potential consequences.

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Top 5 Unarmed Self-Defense Principles

Top 5 Unarmed Self Defense Principles

You are a family man. You work at least 40 hours per week. You have children to take care of, a yard or small garden to tend, and in your spare time, you read articles such as this one in hopes of finding valuable information for you and your loved ones.

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Sexual Assault, Self-Protection Strategies For Women

Sexual Assault Self Protection Strategies For Women

Sexual assault is a common occurrence in our modern society, and it seems that this subject is not given the proper attention it deserves. Even worse, few women acknowledge the fact that they may one day be subjected to such a scenario.

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Dos, Don’ts, and Maybes of Safe Gun Handling

Safe Gun Handling

In light of the historically unprecedented attack on our rights and freedoms to own and use guns by the predominantly socialist-controlled mass media today, it’s vital that all of us be well versed in the rules of firearms safety.

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Body Armor: Should it be on Your Preparedness List?

Body armor on security agent

As a prepper, you know that stocking up on supplies and training your mind and body are important aspects of survival. You may already have a good collection of non-perishable foods, ammunition, medication, fuel, and water, but have you considered body armor?

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