Many preppers invest a lot of their hard earned money in stockpiling ammo. This practice is widely spread and is considered a safety net in case it hits the fan. Answering the age-old question of “how much ammo is enough?” is not easy and the following should be considered.
Eight Must-follow Rules for Concealed Carry
Choosing the best survival gun for your prepping plans
When the brown stuff hits the fan which gun would you grab if your survival depends on it? Making the right choice seems natural for some and many will argue that a .22 rifle or the AR-15 is the best survival gun out there. Unfortunately, things are never easy when one needs to pick the best survival gun available on the market. The choices you have are affected by multiple considerations.
Protective Furniture That Can Save Your Life
Surviving An Active Shooter Scenario
Surviving in today’s modern times is becoming more and more difficult. Besides the natural hazards we are prepping for, we also have to pay attention to the human factor. Man-made threats seem to increase with every passing year and terrorist attacks and active shooter scenarios are present now more than ever. Surviving an active shooter scenario requires proper knowledge and people should know how to respond to such an attack.
Survival Archery 101 – Useful Tips
The invention of gunpowder changed the battlefield forever and man was able to improve his ways of waging war and killing food. Long before gunpowder was invented, a sharp stick propelled down range was the top of ballistic technology. For thousands of years, survival archery was the only thing that helped man provide for his family and defend his lands.
Walther PPX M1 9mm SD – The Biggest Bang for the Prepper’s Buck
After putting a few thousand rounds through my Walther PPX M1 9mm SD I thought I would give you the low down on it.
A Brief Look of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
It is infuriating the way a lot of people from Supreme Court Justices, lawyers, and ordinary people misinterpret these two amendments. I took it upon myself to set the record straight and at least give proponents of the 1st and 2nd Amendments some proverbial bullets for their gun. Pun intended.
Barter Items You Should Have For SHTF
5 Guns Every Prepper Should Own
Some people own a gun right now, while others are looking for one to buy. One thing is sure, during a crisis or in a society where rules no longer apply you will not survive without a firearm. You will need to be able and take care of yourself and your loved ones, to be prepared for whatever comes. Maybe you will need a gun to hunt for food or perhaps you have to be your best bodyguard, and this means you will need these guns in order to survive. Here are the guns every prepper should own.
Defensive Use Of Firearms
Just as in home defense, the first idea is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. By this, one should stay out of trouble, or situations that might lead to trouble. For example, if you are in the middle of a heated argument over a parking space, give it up. How did you get in such an argument in the first place? It’s not worth it. Don’t worry, you’re not less of a man if you step back. If you obey basic rules of prevention, it is relatively unlikely that you will be threatened. However, it is possible that even though you try to stay out of trouble, it might come to you. What then?